Should I give flowers to teachers on Teacher’s Day?

Teacher is one of the most ancient and revered professions. In fact, teachers appeared when ancient people were just beginning to acquire their first skills. Knowledge and experience were passed on from the wise and old to the younger. Thanks to teachers, humanity has managed not only to preserve skills, but also to improve them.

In the USSR, teachers were treated with great trepidation. Since 1965, the country began to annually celebrate Teachers’ Day, choosing the first Sunday of October. It was only after almost 30 years (in 1994) that they decided to support a good tradition abroad.


As a result of UNESCO’s efforts, 5 October became World Teachers’ Day. Therefore, in 2020, the holiday falls on October 5.

Already in the first years of the celebration of Teacher’s Day in the Soviet Union, the main traditions were laid. On this holiday, representatives of the profession were congratulated by students, parents, and officials. Students organized concerts, read poems to mentors, played scenes. Class leaders We received a painted wall newspaper and congratulations. Favorite teachers were given many flowers.

DepositPhotos Gifts A bouquet of flowers for Teacher's DayTo congratulate, to express respect and appreciation is a wonderful tradition. But if earlier schoolchildren gave modest bouquets from the cottage or garden, today it is much preferable to buy a chic bouquet from flower-goers to stand out.

And where does the teacher, who received two or even three dozen lush bouquets, throw them? He won't bring it home in a bag. One bouquet in the classroom will put, a couple more will be distributed to teachers who do not have their own classes.


The rest of the flowers are often sent to the garbage can. Just imagine what it's like for a schoolboy to see the flowers he gave. favorite At the party, lying in the trash can. This is a real shock! That’s because times have changed, but the tradition of giving flowers is not.

The essence of the holiday remained unchanged: to thank the teacher for his work, to express respect for the important work that he does day by day. Instead, we bring each one a bouquet and consider it done.


Today, it is easy for students and their parents to stay in touch with each other. There are many opportunities for an organized and creative approach to the celebration of Teachers’ Day. This can be either a well-organized buffet, or a mini-concert with the participation of parents, or even one, but lush bouquet of those flowers that a particular teacher loves.

Bring Beautiful flowers for Teacher’s Day This is great, but if each of the many students does this, then the value of such gifts for the teacher will be low. From a pleasant sign of attention, they will turn into a headache, because taking them with you is quite problematic, and what ordinary person has so many vases? This means that your flowers will, at best, stand in a bucket or basin, even if the teacher drags them home.

But here is an original gift, or written in honor of the teacher of the poem, or a memorable photo album with students of your favorite class, or something like it will be much more pleasant to receive. Remember that the main thing is not to leave the room, but to make a pleasant person who makes so much effort to properly educate each child.

Good teachers should be appreciated, because they depend on how comfortable the child feels at school. It is a pity that the domestic educational system is experiencing difficult times and even those talented people who dream of teaching and teaching, due to life circumstances, move to other, more promising and profitable areas.

On behalf of the entire editorial board "Site" We offer sincere congratulations to all teachers, wish them health, peace, well-being, as well as initiative and talented students who are a pleasure to teach!


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