As the killer of 77 people sitting in "the most liberal countries in the world"

One of the best universities in Europe and the world recently took in students of the sinister killer of our time - Norwegian Anders Breivik, who in one terrible day, 22 July 2011, coolly and methodically took the life of 77 people in Oslo and at a youth camp on Utoya island. Far-right terrorist and hater of Muslims directly from prison will study political science, including the foundations of democracy, human rights and the principles of respect for minorities, the University of Oslo. Among his students there are those that survived to Uta, as well as many of those who have lost friends or family there.

"I understand this is a very sensitive moment, - said the rector Ole Petter Otters. - Breivik tried to destroy the system. We must remain faithful to her. " Agree, this attitude is one of the world's most dangerous criminals shocking. And not only us, the Russians, and Europeans themselves. In most countries, the prison system is still focused on the punishment, and here in Norway - on the "rehabilitation" of those who "stumbled" in life and have to go back into the community updated, clean person. Get at least a period of time - in this country can not stand life sentences, even the most callous killers like Breivik. He received 21-year prison sentence with the right extension. They say he is likely, and remains behind bars until the end of life, but can we consider this is really a severe punishment? Let's take a look at his prison routine.

Generally, a liberal Norwegian prison system is how it works - according to statistics, only 20% of local criminals are repeat offenders, while in Russia and the United States-from 40 to 60%. But with such a criminal, like Breivik, the country is facing for the first time. He has an individual program of "rehabilitation", and if it succeeds it follow, then technically, despite the unprecedented scale of the crime, it will sooner or later have to return to society - so those are the rules! In any case, it can not be denied this right and to promise that he will remain in prison for life.
< The most expensive criminal
Where is contained Breivik? There are two prisons for the most dangerous criminals in the vicinity of Oslo: "Ila" and "Shien", so here it is transported back and forth. This is done in order to give the guards a break from the "terrible stress" due to the forced proximity to terrorist capable to "manipulation».
< «Il»
This is the main place where the Norwegian killer. The prison is located in an idyllic leafy suburb half an hour from the capital. By the way - the green lawns of the elite golf club and confectionery, which are baked Christmas cakes

Breivik set aside an entire wing with three rooms, including fitness. It can be a walk in the courtyard of 20x20 meters, while the non-meeting and socializing with other prisoners. I must say, this "choice" folk - 124 of the worst criminal, from rapists to murderers

However, the prison guards are not armed, "in extreme cases" they have only batons. But prisoners are free to use sharp and dangerous instruments, from kitchen appliances to saws and hammers. Fearfully? In fact, in the entire history of the prison it was only one case where a prisoner killed another.

However, Breivik is deprived of all these "benefits", at least not yet. The prison authorities immediately indicated that he will return to the company "slowly and carefully". Over time, the rehabilitation program provides for the "socialization" with other prisoners and giving him "work". In addition to his studies, Breivik, like other prisoners, will be able to vote, even for a short time to go home - but it is only after 7 years behind bars

And Breivik - the most expensive prisoner in Norway: its content in prison "Elah" is 7, 9 million kroons per year (1, $ 4 million). This is a 6, 7 million kroons more than the average spent on a "regular" prisoner!

"Shien" This detention facility on the island to Bastia 75 km from Oslo called the class "luxury" prison. Here, one of the most liberal regimes, and Breivik himself has repeatedly petitioned to be transferred here.

In 2013, the prison visited by a journalist of the British newspaper Guardian and wrote after enthusiastic article. For offenders who are placed here, the only "disadvantage" - a restriction of freedom, but mainly on the kind of life you can only "dream»
. Everything looks more like an isolated community than a prison: its church, school, library, beautiful nature, farm. The cells have TVs, computers, shower and toilet. Prisoners can learn at will, choosing a variety of interesting programs. And most importantly, there is no traditional for the majority of the criminal subculture in prisons.
Prisoners have a job, and they get paid money, which is enough to buy food, not only for its taste, but also bicycles. In his spare time, they catch fish, swim, sunbathe on the beach.

They can make calls to friends and family. They can meet with the family and even indulge in the pleasures of love in the designated smoking rooms.

«torture» Conditions
But imagine, such conditions and Breivik believes "torturous" and suing the government, based on the European Convention on Human Rights. "Maybe he will always be a special prisoner with special restrictions. But the same can not always sit in isolation! He wants to communicate with other prisoners. The longer it sits in a solitary cell, the greater the chance that he will suffer ", - stated in the petition of lawyers Breivik in February 2015
. Another major Norwegian terrorist unhappy with the ban on receiving and sending messages, stating that it violates the principle of freedom of speech. More than 220 letters have been arrested in December 2014 - Breivik accused authorities of trying to organize outside the prison, "a movement that would use vehicles in their extreme violence and terror»

Breivik himself claims that became the "convert" a democrat and wants to create a political party to promote their ideas, without resorting to violence - namely, the Norwegian Nazi Party and the Nordic League. He says he was inspired by the success of the Greek neo-Nazi party "Golden Dawn", but chose "fascism" that it is not attributed to
"Nazi." Breivik regularly wrote complaints and "ultimatums" prison authorities and the authorities. In particular, he referred to his prison "mini Abu Ghraib" (if you remember, is a former notorious prison, the Americans held in Iraq), threatened to organize a hunger strike until the PlayStation in his chamber will not be updated to the latest model, and offended by the guards, who "purposely loud stomp of" until he shaves to have on him, the unfortunate,
"indirect psychological effect."

What is the result? Is it a bloody killer, convinced of his ideas, can in these humane reborn into a better person? The rules are that no conclusions can not be denied "rehabilitation". This means that everyone, even Breivik, has the right in the future to hope for freedom.
By the way, employees themselves in Norwegian prisons have not yet figured out what inspires the inmates to fix. And in the case of Breivik, and can not predict anything at all. When his current term expires, it is already over 50. "Ila" prison thoughtfully say: "With age, they sometimes become religious»
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