The cunning trick that will help win the trust of man in any situation

You say the real truth, and the caller will not believe. This situation is very real and it turned out to be, certainly, a lot. And all because the perception of the above depends not only on its substance but also has support from a dozen factors: the speed of speech, facial expression, look ... Scientists have several years trying to understand the methods that can be used for manipulation in communication
<. br> A team of scientists from the University of Leiden (Netherlands), headed by Professor Marishka Kret spent an entertaining experiment and opened another clever trick using which you can gain the trust of everyone. Following the publication Business Insider, we offer to evaluate the results of research and, perhaps, to take them into service.
The essence of projektai professors study, 69 students participated. All of them were invited to play in the "investment" game. Young people had to play the role of investors and to choose a partner, which they subsequently funded. Students had to choose a person of the two images presented (pre-modeled composite picture), in which the face and the eyes of a potential partner were shown close up.
It looked like the first option.

And the second.

Notice the difference? The first character pupils narrowed, and the second - enhanced
. After students have chosen their future "business partners", they were asked to determine the amount of funding (from 0 to 5 euros). The authors of the experiment the participants were told that their investments will be subsequently tripled, and the partner whom they choose, decide what amount of profit share to investor. That is more honest than "partner", the more money he should be trusted to get a higher income. And if the reason to trust "partner" No, it is better not to give anything.
By counting the results, the researchers found that virtual character with dilated pupils got a lot more money than his colleague. Summarizing the study, the researchers came to the conclusion that people are more inclined to trust the interlocutors, whose pupils are dilated.
«Obviously, people without even noticing, responding to the pupil size of the interlocutor. Wide signaled by the pupil about the location and friendly attitude. Well, the person perceives it at a subconscious level, "- the researchers said
. Is it possible to influence the size of zrachkovSchitaetsya that the person is not able to influence the size of their pupils, as these changes occur spontaneously. He said this and Professor Kret. However, scientists also recall the recent experiment of university staff in Oslo, according to which, pupils can expand by generating images in my head. In other words, it is enough to think about the dark room, imagine that you are in it, and dilated pupils themselves.
To turn the trick succeeded to all the participants of the Dutch experiment. Only now, scientists did not specify whether this technique works with all, without exception or control pupil size are only taken separately characters with a good imagination. However, it is easy to check us even with you.
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