How have famous actors with their first appearance in a movie
Each new movie stars of Hollywood chic delight us with images and brilliant acting. But few people know how the role has begun their way to stardom, and in fact many celebrities caught in the lens cameras still a child, and now they just do not know.
< Website offers to remember what were our favorite actors and actresses at the beginning of his career.
«A Nightmare on Elm street" 1984
Glen Lantz - Johnny Depp (52)
«Panic Room", 2002
Sarah Altman - Kristen Stewart (25)
«Careless times in" Ridzhmond High "1982
Dude Brad - Nicolas Cage (52)
«ET» 1982
Gertie - Drew Barrymore (41 year) 69,765,481
«Critters" 1991
Josh - Leonardo DiCaprio (41 year) 59,951,541
«Mask» 1994
Tina Carlisle - Cameron Diaz (43 years old)
«Back to the Future 2", 1986
The boy at the slot machines - Elijah Wood
«Heavenly Creatures", 1994
Juliet - Kate Winslet (39)
«Mio, my Mio" 1987
Yum Yum / Behnke - Christian Bale (41 year) 14,296,384
«Leon", 1994
Matilda - Natalie Portman (34)
«Leprechaun", 1993
Tori - Jennifer Aniston (46 years old)
«patchwork» 1995
Beck - Jared Leto (44)
Favorite actors 90 then and now
15 photos of unexpected childhood heroes then and now
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