28.04. The arrest of Lev Landau

1938. Landau 30, but he was already a well-known theoretical physicist, head of the theoretical department of the Institute for Physical Problems, USSR Academy of Sciences. Revered and respected throughout the academic world and beyond. In 19 years, he graduated from the Leningrad Physics and Mathematics of University and introduced the concept of the density matrix of the quantum theory. At 21, after graduating from university, he was sent for further studies abroad. Denmark, Germany, Switzerland, England. Communicated with Einstein, he studied under Max Born, Heisenberg met. Met in Copenhagen with Niels Bohr, what and considered his main teacher. During his stay in England, was an acquaintance of Pyotr Kapitsa, who in 1921 conducted research at the Cavendish Laboratory in Cambridge.
The first six months of his trip financed Commissariat, then Landau began to receive a scholarship Rockefeller Foundation.
Impressive, right? Moreover, it is only the beginning. Back in the Union, with 32 '37 taxied the theoretical division of the Kharkov Physical-Technical Institute, and after dismissal Kapitsa invited him to Moscow, to the newly created Institute for Physical Problems at the position referred to in the beginning of this article.
But, however, the stay abroad infected Landau virus of freedom. And in 1938 the virus played a trick on him. The above regalia - easy to understand the fact that a young scientist global absolutely not versed in the realities of life in the USSR of that period. Well, there was no time to him. This is - the brilliant men of science in everyday life are naive and helpless.
Landau, together with a colleague Moses built Koretz leaflet, which called for the overthrow of the Stalinist regime, the Father of the Peoples is not good compared to the dictators Mussolini and even Hitler (although, where the up Uncle Joe, so trifle). It was planned to distribute this document for the May holidays. Understandably, the competent authorities of this terrible conspiracy of scientists uncovered and Landau year chalilsya in Butyrka. Why is released, it is strange because at times then. Well, there seems to Bora and intercession, and the requirement Kapitsa, who said that he would leave, will leave, if Landau is not released (yeah, who used it gave)
But I think everything is easier - it hurts too valuable shot ended up behind bars. A footage Stalin knew how to appreciate and rarely wrong. Confirmed further three Stalin Prizes - 1946, 49, 53gg, Fritz London Prize - 1960, Lenin - 1962 Nobel - 1962.
In general, in vain, calmed exuberant little head yes and released "on bail" Academician Kapitsa ...