On guard of hell Cerberus the three-headed ...
< Felix Komarov
On guard of hell Cerberus the three-headed,
That lower mind he guards hell.
In his reverent word chains,
Multiply torment us a hundredfold.
From reflections having built prison
And divide themselves into light and darkness,
He does not mind to accomplish a bar mitzvah
And to solve the koan - "So there is Mu? »
From dampness born
questions And crawl eye twitching ...
And now, woodlice - our bosses,
Sure grab steering circle.
A higher mind, has not contemplating,
Playing in heaven and hell, and in the light and the darkness.
And for yourself, a barking invitingly,
Self talk - "ME ME only."

On guard of hell Cerberus the three-headed,
That lower mind he guards hell.
In his reverent word chains,
Multiply torment us a hundredfold.
From reflections having built prison
And divide themselves into light and darkness,
He does not mind to accomplish a bar mitzvah
And to solve the koan - "So there is Mu? »
From dampness born
questions And crawl eye twitching ...
And now, woodlice - our bosses,
Sure grab steering circle.
A higher mind, has not contemplating,
Playing in heaven and hell, and in the light and the darkness.
And for yourself, a barking invitingly,
Self talk - "ME ME only."