Banknotes of the Chinese Hell

In China, already half a century a tradition of burning on the grave of the deceased, "the Chinese banknotes of Hell." The Chinese believe that in the next world that money can give a bribe "Lord of Hell." In addition, the "Lord" in the Underworld Chinese judge Joseph Stalin, Nikita Khrushchev and John Kennedy - that applied to their portraits, "notes Ada."
The concept of "hell" Chinese instilled Jesuit missionaries in the middle of the XIX century. European priests then frighten the natives that if they did not accept Christianity, then fall straight to hell. Since then, the Chinese-non-Christians believe that after death they go to the Underworld.
However, in contrast to the white world, the Chinese Hell is not associated with any pangs. In their view, it is just a place underground, where the deceased person is judged. Presides over the court, "The Lord of Hell" (another name - "The Emperor of Hell," Yanli van) - a bearded, imposing man. Most often it is his image and is applied to the bill. In XX century, the Chinese began to believe that at the trial he helped the spirits of significant world personalities: as a rule, the rulers of the US and the USSR. From the Soviet Union in Hell there are Joseph Stalin and Nikita Khrushchev, the United States - President John F. Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson and Roosevelt.
But the Chinese are confident that with the help of "banknotes Hell" they can bribe those judges. To get to the court to hell with comfort, there are "first-class tickets." Here's the image:

Also, the Chinese lay dead, and "pass to Hell" with tunes in his earthly affairs. This is to ensure that judges were spending less time on the case. Here is a picture of this "pass»:

In the view of the Chinese people in Hell in recent years, bribes to judges increased thousands of times. This is due to the fact that there are too many rich people who can afford to spend large sums of money to bribe. That is why the denomination grew from 200-1000 units to millions and even billions. Notes themselves are often under the stylize dollars.
With the advent of capitalist reforms that cargo cult among the Chinese has grown to such an extent that with the money, passes and tickets to Hell, they began to burn the dead and household items - furniture, television sets, motorcycles, etc. In the view of the Chinese people, these things will help the deceased in the underworld to live in comfort. The Communist government was forced in 2006 to ban the ritual of burning things. But the Chinese diaspora Southeast Asia, he practiced without interference. Here's a photo of the late burn things rich Chinese in Malaysia:

Turnover of production "Hell bank notes" in China is estimated at 600-800 million. Dollars in this business employ hundreds of thousands of people (from the artists to the printing job). A similar cargo cult developed well in Taiwan and Vietnam (pictured below have notes from this country):

In recent years, the Chinese also began to produce "plastic cards Hell»: