7 gorgeous Audrey Hepburn beauty secrets

One of the brightest stars of the twentieth century, Audrey Hepburn - a recognized icon of fashion and style. Its incredibly feminine image still captivates the world, although the actress felt her looks very ordinary.
< Website has collected 7 Miss Hepburn beauty secrets that can inspire new healthy habits and a positive attitude.
1. A lot of water According to his friends and colleagues, all of the actress always strongly advised to drink plenty of water. Perhaps it was her main secret: drink water and eat lots of vegetables and fruits
2.. Complete cleansing of the body once a month Once a month, Audrey arranged day detox, during which she ate only fruits, vegetables, dairy products and drink plenty of water. He helped her to cope with jet lag after a long flight, jet lag and climate. The actress often feel exhausted after the trips - and a cleaning day always helped her recover
3.. Potatoes - a staple of Miss Hepburn had Danish and Irish roots. Therefore, potatoes for her was a familiar and indispensable product.
4. Fresh air When the actress was asked what she does every day to maintain her beauty, she always answered: "I walk. I am very much a walk in the fresh air, my body is saturated with oxygen. That's the whole secret. »
5. Royal posture actress's career began with ballet, and dance exercise into a habit, because even outside the hall dancers do not relax. Therefore it is necessary to remember: you need to keep your back always and everywhere
6.. Only natural makeup to create his image Audrey chose minimalism, elegance and classic - black arrows on the upper eyelids and richly painted eyelashes. Nothing more.
7. Pleasure every day The actress was a very positive outlook on life. Often she even looked like a naive girl. Hepburn could come to the delight of all around, as a child, even learned a new recipe or see something unusual on the market. She enjoyed every day!
Even in his last difficult days, being sick, the actress told her son: "When I get better, we have to go to Australia. There is beautiful. »
Source: yahoo,
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