10 books, which is so pleasant to spend a holiday

Some stories are read in one breath. They are easy to understand. Able to carry along. But at the same time it has no meaning. With them, you can spend your time, such as on the road to your destination. Or, say, basking in the sun on the beach.
Website has chosen 10 books, as if created in order to be alone with them, when you want to relax your mind from everyday life.

Jessica Brokmoul - "Letters from the Isle of Skye" will be enjoyed by fans of the epistolary genre and mystery with a romantic flair. Delicate and poetic remembrance book as touching and important to write each other letters. The messages that are accidentally discovered, helps to find happiness, it would seem, has long lost. Two wars, two loves, two separation and a ray of hope in a landscape of the British Isles.

Agnes Martin Lyugai - "You will succeed, my dear," Motivating the story of French charm. Internal energy she convinces risk in order to castles in the air to become a reality, and do not be afraid to make a sharp turn as the protagonist Iris, which sped to Paris to become a designer. From the creator of the bestselling "Happy people read books and drink coffee».

Jean-Paul Dideloran - "Morning reader" Story recalls the film "Amelie", only in reverse - a charming eccentric in the title role. Every morning he comes to the rescue train passengers from boredom by reading aloud. But one day a miracle (in the form of a stick with the diary of a stranger) and finds himself. The book teaches us to believe in happy accidents.

David Michie - "Cat of the Dalai Lama" highlight - in the story of the four-legged companion a person of His Holiness. In each chapter - unobtrusive spiritual lessons. They answer questions about how to find happiness and meaning in life. Thoughts that will warm your heart and soul, and perhaps to encourage serious work on yourself - more than enough. Investigative interested in a detailed description of the life of the Dalai Lama.

Cecelia Ahern - "Game of Marbles" Puzzle of the popular Irish writer. At its center - Sabrina girl who discovers a mysterious collection of his father. And aware of all that she knew about the loved one, it is simply a lie. About the incredible impact of the simplest solutions. About how important it is to understand the other. The search itself for a limited period.

Adrian Trizhiani - "shoemaker's wife" elegant vintage romance. His heart is - fabulously beautiful love story Enets and Ciro. Emotional as Italy itself. Epic, as important historical events. With many details, creating a portrait of the era when cope with adversity could only if at the heart of lived faith and love, and the power of the spirit was strong as a rock.

Sarah Gio - "Morning Lights" book with an unexpected ending and an unusual locale: the main character, has experienced unfortunate events, moves to a floating house on a boat outside. Here she will have to unravel this mystery. The key to it - the trunk in the attic. The moral of the book: to escape from yourself is not so easy, and sometimes impossible. Quality modern romantic prose.

Fannie Flag, - "Heaven is somewhere near" a writer known for "roasted tomatoes in a cafe" stop ", but this book is worthy of much attention. Wonderful and full of good narrative, where there are no false notes. Actually, the meaning of - in the title: luck to reach. It is to help our friends. And for those who need us. Tale of Elner, who was in Paradise, the best of the string touches the soul.

Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt - "Odette. Eight stories about love "Bag with sketches of a bright feeling, each of which opens it from different sides. French author, who has taken up the theme of all time, succeeded brilliantly to avoid cliches in its disclosure. Collection is able to surprise. Each story is like jewelry. One of the best -
«Wedding Crashers»

Nina Gheorghe - "Lavender Room" form The novel, first published in Germany, is original: the alternation of diary entries with the story in the first person. An amazing combination of warm-heartedness and the share of tragedy. Work on how to reconcile with the memories. The main character, the owner of "Literary pharmacy" is convinced that the right book can cure the most painful feelings. But how to help themselves?
Photos on the preview: George Dolgikh
via www.shutterstock.com/gallery-105562p1.html
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