In Brest, there was a staff lamplighter, who every evening lights old lights
There are traditions that return us to the past and bring with them something cozy.
For example, since 2009 in Belarus, one can observe the following picture: on the main pedestrian street of Brest daily ignites and extinguishes the old lamplighter lights in the form of a staff, which were about 100 years ago
To make your ritual, he climbs the ladder and manually ignites and extinguishes the lamp in every kerosene lamp. A total of 19 such lamps installed in the Soviet street.
Lamplighter appear at dusk and finishes his ritual when it gets dark at all. Current local time prompt specially established for this purpose in the early hours of the street.
On the same street is a sculpture of a bat with a lantern in his claws - a symbol of the fact that in Brest never come darkness. She guards the scroll with instructions lamps burning always and in any weather:
«In order not to plunge the city into darkness night, and citizens could enjoy it longer lamplighter to this, light the lights of the city at dusk in order, despite the heavy rain, snow A rich cold and fierce. Carry vsenochnuyu Service for proper oversight of their work. »
Here's a nice tradition resumed in the city Belarusians! The action gathers a lot of tourists, citizens. It is especially popular with the children.
We are in the Website This tradition also for the soul. And you?
Photographer: Ilya «BIM» Beskhlebny
via vk.com/bimfoto