15 pictures for connoisseurs of life's puzzles

Feed masterpiece of folk art from the ruthless masters of their craft simply inexhaustible.
Therefore, in this material Website again to collect for you the funniest marasmus and curiosities that have appeared on the web over the past month.

The best means of annoying fans.

I do not understand why these gray soap dishes such description.

Most intriguing of all the ads I've seen.

And the truth, because what the sausage without bread?

The most obvious test for corruption.

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But why only in terms of a pessimist?

«I am an artist, I see"

A meal for only the "Cars" from Disney.

You're with your zabugornye nosites fast food, and then won some vkusnota!

This, apparently, to advance to avoid questions about the hand from another location.

It seems that the producers themselves, too, some mushrooms indulge.

I immediately became one somehow not on itself?

Well, someone will rise hand to be treated by them?

Wow! Downright Cirque du Soleil on wheels!

Yes, that's the way it was intended, and should not be issues.

Oh, something makes me strongly to doubt.
via # image8486465
6 rolls recipes for those who are head over heels in love with them
In Brest, there was a staff lamplighter, who every evening lights old lights