"In a certain city - we assume in Spain - people patiently standing of Happyness"

In a certain city - we assume in Spain -
people stood patiently for happiness.
Happiness was issued bags,
tied with a thread, with the words "Felicitas».
Each sachet was:
rainbow piece of glass, gingerbread,
a handful of fragrant herbs, milk tooth and
coin. Word -
one hundred and fifty grams of happiness.
Some stood in line since birth.
One woman asked:
- Please do not forget, I'll be behind you,
I need to move beyond
bread (Or a wedding, or maybe a funeral),
do not forget, please, muchas Gracias.
She came to the sea, where the warm waves
to wash the grains and light foam
nezhila tired legs.
"I would be so happy - she thought, -
if I did not have to come back again
place of happiness. " Ludvik Ashkenazy
via www.adme.ru/contest/photo2014/works/portrait/237910/
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