1658 - officially recorded case of the slave trade in Africa. Although the fishery is actually started much earlier. The Portuguese began to actively explore the West Coast of Africa from the end of the XV century, then hauled the Spaniards. The British, French and Germans said "Op! And we? "And also joined the process. Do not stay aside and Denmark and the Netherlands.
Just a ship of the Dutch East India Company "Amersfoort" has officially started it all. The ship was anchored about fifty kilometers from the Cape of Good Hope near the first European settlement in South Africa.
1709 - The Birth of Dresden china. It was possible to do it locked by order of Augustus the Strong, the alchemist Johann Bottger. Listed in August he had trouble with finances and decided to get out of an unpleasant situation befits a monarch - locked up in the fortress Königstein Boettger, of which there were rumors that he could make gold. In principle, the rumors were untrue. As a result of experiments, the alchemist managed to find out that "shnorrovskaya land", which was mined in the vicinity of Dresden and used for a powdered wig, perfectly suited for the production of porcelain. The resulting porcelain is not inferior to the Chinese. Received an unexpected source of income literally from under their feet, in August released an alchemist, but not for long. Boettger tried to sell his secret, for which he was again installed himself behind bars
1797 - The appearance of the washing machine. More specifically, the patent. The owner of it was the Nathaniel Briggs, who lived in New Hampshire.
The picture is not the machine, but one of the first. Since the laundry - a process which has to take a regular in itself a monotonous and time-consuming, it actively tried to automate and many citizens. In 1851, in US patent was obtained on the machine, which has been rotating drum. True, at first it was rotated by hand. Then for this purpose adapted animals and even public laundry was organized, in which machine reels rotated mules. The process is already gaining momentum. In 1861, invented the device for a spin - rolls
. And since 1900 it began mass production. Pioneer made the German company MIELE & amp; CIE
. Then use the engines started. Now this will cause a smile, but some time used the internal combustion engine. The motor was first used in 1908. The first machine appeared in 1949 ...
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