Coconut oil

One morning, Dr. Perricone, a leading doctor in the field of gerontology in the program "Good Morning America" spoke of nutrigenomics. Nutrigenomics is the science that studies the relationship between the food we eat and its impact on our genes.
The most impressive information that was discovered is that you can change the expression of genes. Quite an interesting topic. Dr. Perricone spoke about the aging process and preventing their favorite products with anti-aging, anti-inflammatory effect. That really impressed me. He started with green tea. The fact that it is useful for us, now we all know for sure. The second product, which he chose? COCONUT OIL!
I must tell you that read a lot of coconut oil. It is very useful for us. We use it in our desserts. But try to convince people who do not know that it is useful is not always easy. Therefore, when the famous doctor at the national show tells how useful coconut oil for us, I do a back flip with joy, as when even on the first channel of Russian television has finally decided to tell the truth about dairy products all over the country.
That's what Dr. Perricone says coconut oil: Coconut oil - a "healthy" oil with a high content of saturated fatty acids. There are many kinds of vegetable and animal oils, which are rich in long-chain fatty acids (LCFAs), but coconut oil is unique because it is rich in medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs). Why is this so important? Because MCFAs acid - a natural nutrient source of strength and energy. They are not only easily digested and processed by your body, but also have a fantastic effect as stimulating metabolism and as a result, weight loss. As coconut oil can help in lowering cholesterol and risk of heart attack, improve the condition of diabetes.
Coconut oil is very beneficial for the immune system, it has anti-microbial and anti-fungal properties due to the high content of lauric acid. Coconut oil acts on the thyroid gland and activates the metabolism and quickly burning fat on the abdomen.
With all of these beneficial properties, organic coconut oil is not refined should be present in your diet.
After the systematic use of yoghurt bacteria intestine remains in the same state as the "before".
"Your food should be your medicine." Hippocrates