8 festivals that open spring
That spring has come! Very soon the birds sing, mimosas bloom and flower shops lined up in long queues for men.
In anticipation of the celebration of the female version of Website has decided to recall the beautiful floral traditions from around the world. Here it is - a real miracle fragrant
Festa da Flor (Madeira, Portugal) 84,333,122
<! br> Best spring holiday in the vast Portuguese annually held in Madeira in Funchal. During the festival the town is surrounded by a flower in bright colors: flowers decorate the house and hairstyles of young beauties, they are spread carpets on the streets, floral procession pass along the boulevards from morning till evening. Particularly cherished for this holiday include children, because they have an important role: to accompany collected from thousands of colors Wall of Hope - a symbol of world peace
Chiang Mai Flower Festivals (Chiang Mai, Thailand)
In the first weekend of February in Chiang Mai Thai is held one of the brightest flower festivals in the world. The star of the festival is traditionally a rare beauty of damask rose, but no less honor are dozens of species of orchids and lilies that adorn the city. The festival ends with a grand parade, during which flower arrangements are moved through the streets under the national motifs, accompanied by dancers and acrobats.
Rose Parade (Pasadena, USA)
One of the oldest flower festivals America for the first time opened the first day of 1890 and since then has always attracts thousands of spectators. And it is something to see: the streets of Pasadena California moving carts with compositions fully assembled with roses and complement the spectacle musical shows, various performances and competitions. By the way, the festival is held is one of the most popular football events USA - Rose Cup
Tapis de fleurs (Brussels, Belgium)
The first holiday with the telling title "flower carpet" was held in the Belgian capital in 1971, and since 1986 has been held annually in August. Every year the event brings together thousands of volunteers from around the world who spread the main Brussels square with hundreds of thousands of begonias. The festival changes every year.
Genzano Infiorata (Genzano di Roma, Italy)
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This festival traces its origins to 1778, when the flower compositions town Genzano di Roma decorated for the June festival of Corpus Christi. The festival - a huge event, during which the city's main street Via Belardo covered with colorful flower arrangements on biblical themes and okoloreligioznye. For three days the city is buried in flowers, and ends with the festival in solemn procession to the church of Santa Maria della Cima.
Battaglia dei fiori (Ventimiglia, Italy)
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"Flower Battle" festival is held in the town of Ventimiglia every two years. It lasts only two days, but each day is filled with colors, music and revelry. The first night of the festival is held the opening, which is accompanied by music and dance and fire show. And the whole of the second day, the participants of the festival is observed floral installation on the streets and "fight" with all the colors in a row, falling asleep streets petals tons.
Batalla de flores (Valencia, Spain)
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Keep up with the neighbors and the Spaniards. Here, too, it has a "flower battle", and it symbolizes the height of summer: the festival is held on the last Sunday of July. Along the Paseo de la Alameda whole day moving flower arrangements on wheels that accompany the most beautiful girls of the city in national costumes. But the most anticipated part of the festival comes when the beauties start throwing flowers at passers ... Then Visitors arming tennis rackets, and now begins the flower battle!
Feria de Las Flores (Medellin, Colombia)
Colombian flower festival is considered one of the most beautiful in the world. he was the first time in 1957 year, and since then every year in Medellin Virgin Mary Day is celebrated in this way. The main event of the festival - parade Silleteros, symbolizing the end of the era of slavery. Each participant are hoisting himself on his back and a floral arrangement in a form passes through the main streets in the company of thousands of like-minded people. And then the owners of baskets sent to dance performances, floral caravans and Carnival - Festival celebrate in a big way, as is customary in Latin America
According to the materials: wonderslist
Preview: Don Amaro
via festadaflor.visitmadeira.pt/img/6.JPG
In anticipation of the celebration of the female version of Website has decided to recall the beautiful floral traditions from around the world. Here it is - a real miracle fragrant
Festa da Flor (Madeira, Portugal) 84,333,122
<! br> Best spring holiday in the vast Portuguese annually held in Madeira in Funchal. During the festival the town is surrounded by a flower in bright colors: flowers decorate the house and hairstyles of young beauties, they are spread carpets on the streets, floral procession pass along the boulevards from morning till evening. Particularly cherished for this holiday include children, because they have an important role: to accompany collected from thousands of colors Wall of Hope - a symbol of world peace

Chiang Mai Flower Festivals (Chiang Mai, Thailand)

In the first weekend of February in Chiang Mai Thai is held one of the brightest flower festivals in the world. The star of the festival is traditionally a rare beauty of damask rose, but no less honor are dozens of species of orchids and lilies that adorn the city. The festival ends with a grand parade, during which flower arrangements are moved through the streets under the national motifs, accompanied by dancers and acrobats.

Rose Parade (Pasadena, USA)

One of the oldest flower festivals America for the first time opened the first day of 1890 and since then has always attracts thousands of spectators. And it is something to see: the streets of Pasadena California moving carts with compositions fully assembled with roses and complement the spectacle musical shows, various performances and competitions. By the way, the festival is held is one of the most popular football events USA - Rose Cup

Tapis de fleurs (Brussels, Belgium)

The first holiday with the telling title "flower carpet" was held in the Belgian capital in 1971, and since 1986 has been held annually in August. Every year the event brings together thousands of volunteers from around the world who spread the main Brussels square with hundreds of thousands of begonias. The festival changes every year.

Genzano Infiorata (Genzano di Roma, Italy)

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This festival traces its origins to 1778, when the flower compositions town Genzano di Roma decorated for the June festival of Corpus Christi. The festival - a huge event, during which the city's main street Via Belardo covered with colorful flower arrangements on biblical themes and okoloreligioznye. For three days the city is buried in flowers, and ends with the festival in solemn procession to the church of Santa Maria della Cima.

Battaglia dei fiori (Ventimiglia, Italy)

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"Flower Battle" festival is held in the town of Ventimiglia every two years. It lasts only two days, but each day is filled with colors, music and revelry. The first night of the festival is held the opening, which is accompanied by music and dance and fire show. And the whole of the second day, the participants of the festival is observed floral installation on the streets and "fight" with all the colors in a row, falling asleep streets petals tons.

Batalla de flores (Valencia, Spain)

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Keep up with the neighbors and the Spaniards. Here, too, it has a "flower battle", and it symbolizes the height of summer: the festival is held on the last Sunday of July. Along the Paseo de la Alameda whole day moving flower arrangements on wheels that accompany the most beautiful girls of the city in national costumes. But the most anticipated part of the festival comes when the beauties start throwing flowers at passers ... Then Visitors arming tennis rackets, and now begins the flower battle!

Feria de Las Flores (Medellin, Colombia)

Colombian flower festival is considered one of the most beautiful in the world. he was the first time in 1957 year, and since then every year in Medellin Virgin Mary Day is celebrated in this way. The main event of the festival - parade Silleteros, symbolizing the end of the era of slavery. Each participant are hoisting himself on his back and a floral arrangement in a form passes through the main streets in the company of thousands of like-minded people. And then the owners of baskets sent to dance performances, floral caravans and Carnival - Festival celebrate in a big way, as is customary in Latin America

According to the materials: wonderslist
Preview: Don Amaro
via festadaflor.visitmadeira.pt/img/6.JPG