You will pass, pass by. Advertising unformatted festivals
Advertising Festival short and nemeynstrimovogo movie - quite modest in scope, budget and size of the audience - has always attracted the attention of jury members and creatives of other festivals, advertising.
This is due to the fact that in this "industry" do not have any significant restrictions on the creative, socially it is painted or badly frostbitten. Since the movie being shown at these festivals, a very popular and easy to understand not even true, then promos announcing events must be appropriate, very unusual.
This, in fact, follows the main topic for creativity "for film festivals" - "For those who understand».
In advertising, short film festivals, besides those already indicated above about the strangeness of call, is also used by "harping on the format." That is often in a humorous vein, the potential audience quite convincingly painted benefits shorts.
One of the main distinguishing features of unformatted film - a low-budget, the enthusiasm of the founders and inexperience in special effects. Virtually inexhaustible subject for advertising operation.
Many film festivals film festivals would not have been if they had no social implications. Not so explicit, but quite significant. "Cinema makes people better, with the help of a movie, you can draw the attention of the public, the movie captures the time," and so on and so forth.
via adme.ru
This is due to the fact that in this "industry" do not have any significant restrictions on the creative, socially it is painted or badly frostbitten. Since the movie being shown at these festivals, a very popular and easy to understand not even true, then promos announcing events must be appropriate, very unusual.
This, in fact, follows the main topic for creativity "for film festivals" - "For those who understand».

In advertising, short film festivals, besides those already indicated above about the strangeness of call, is also used by "harping on the format." That is often in a humorous vein, the potential audience quite convincingly painted benefits shorts.

One of the main distinguishing features of unformatted film - a low-budget, the enthusiasm of the founders and inexperience in special effects. Virtually inexhaustible subject for advertising operation.

Many film festivals film festivals would not have been if they had no social implications. Not so explicit, but quite significant. "Cinema makes people better, with the help of a movie, you can draw the attention of the public, the movie captures the time," and so on and so forth.

via adme.ru