20 years ago, she was ashamed of her daughter's face Show People. Today everything has changed!
Thomas Mui Hong Kong - the girl does not like other
. This 22-year-old Chinese woman suffers from a very rare genetic disease - ichthyosis. This is a condition where in the pathological process in the patient's skin flakes are formed, very similar to fish scales. Scientists have not yet been able to establish the true cause of this rare disease. We only know that 90% of all infants born with this diagnosis die.
With this disease, any contact with the outside world brings pain and suffering to the patient, because his skin, although it is too hard, but quite delicate. When the genetic parents Mui saw, it looks like their daughter, then she did not want to spend my life in misery, and left the poor fellow in the hospital to fend for themselves.
However, this unusual baby soon became interested in a young married couple. Tina and Roger Thomas provedyvat girl several times a week. The hospital administration wanted to give moderate "unwanted" child in a shelter, but the family just decided on Thomas Mui adoption. Since then, her life has changed dramatically.
Years passed, and Mui had to survive in this cruel world with such a terrible disease. Many people did not believe my eyes when I saw a girl they did not know that such a thing is possible. "Girl-fish" - teased her peers at school. However, Mui ignored the insult and replied smile to even the most vile name-calling and accusations. Then the attackers had no choice but to smile back at her.
Although it is not so smooth, and Mui was several unsuccessful suicide attempts. Moreover, the headmaster even signed a special order, which said that Mui Ne has the right to appear in a specific part of the school as one of the disciples afraid her to death.
«One woman spat on the street one day my wife in the face, shouting why we set fire to Mui. We are all very hard to endure such moments, however, still do not cease to show our daughter what is important in life. We want you to enjoy every second of it, because you never know what lies around the corner ", - says Roger, adoptive father Mui
Fortunately unhappy Mui found a sphere in which wants to realize himself. She dreams of becoming a referee in international competitions in rugby. In the embodiment of the dream girl helps a center for people with disabilities in Hong Kong.
«People are often embarrassed to appear for what it really is. I decided to throw a challenge to society and do what I like ", - says Mui
This courageous woman with a truly horrible disease wants to tell the world the important news: even if you are disabled, you must not be removed from life
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. This 22-year-old Chinese woman suffers from a very rare genetic disease - ichthyosis. This is a condition where in the pathological process in the patient's skin flakes are formed, very similar to fish scales. Scientists have not yet been able to establish the true cause of this rare disease. We only know that 90% of all infants born with this diagnosis die.

With this disease, any contact with the outside world brings pain and suffering to the patient, because his skin, although it is too hard, but quite delicate. When the genetic parents Mui saw, it looks like their daughter, then she did not want to spend my life in misery, and left the poor fellow in the hospital to fend for themselves.

However, this unusual baby soon became interested in a young married couple. Tina and Roger Thomas provedyvat girl several times a week. The hospital administration wanted to give moderate "unwanted" child in a shelter, but the family just decided on Thomas Mui adoption. Since then, her life has changed dramatically.

Years passed, and Mui had to survive in this cruel world with such a terrible disease. Many people did not believe my eyes when I saw a girl they did not know that such a thing is possible. "Girl-fish" - teased her peers at school. However, Mui ignored the insult and replied smile to even the most vile name-calling and accusations. Then the attackers had no choice but to smile back at her.

Although it is not so smooth, and Mui was several unsuccessful suicide attempts. Moreover, the headmaster even signed a special order, which said that Mui Ne has the right to appear in a specific part of the school as one of the disciples afraid her to death.
«One woman spat on the street one day my wife in the face, shouting why we set fire to Mui. We are all very hard to endure such moments, however, still do not cease to show our daughter what is important in life. We want you to enjoy every second of it, because you never know what lies around the corner ", - says Roger, adoptive father Mui

Fortunately unhappy Mui found a sphere in which wants to realize himself. She dreams of becoming a referee in international competitions in rugby. In the embodiment of the dream girl helps a center for people with disabilities in Hong Kong.

«People are often embarrassed to appear for what it really is. I decided to throw a challenge to society and do what I like ", - says Mui

This courageous woman with a truly horrible disease wants to tell the world the important news: even if you are disabled, you must not be removed from life
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