Thank you for what you are always there

wake up in the morning, and the crumpled sheet is already near empty. In a corner of the cabinet is a ghost from Ikea, you promised yesterday to finish. On the floor, a pile of boxes from the pantry - apparently you're still looking for a screwdriver. On the fridge sticker: "You can not cook in the evening. As a true defender of the fatherland, I otvoyuyu for you
pizza. " Yes, you are really my rock. < And I want to tell you "thank you" for what you just is what it is: simple, without hypocrisy, with strange habits and amazing ability at any time to cheer up (although for this you just look at the me as much as you are able).
Because you -. my hero at any stalemate, such as torn or tap the huge and terrible spider in the bedroom, you voskhischayusche unruffled, as though to me lives a brave hero of the Russian fairy tales or comic book superhero. Or maybe all at once!
Because reading unloved book, which I think is a table, or eat my failed burgers, as you say - "still delicious", or arguing with a neighbor, because that prevents me from watching the show in the evening From these little things add up. our life
Because you -. my stone wall, and steel security door lock in one person trusts you -. truism, which do not need to remind .
Because you're always there. Even if heaven will fall to planet meteorite or we want to enslave the aliens, your hand will be hard to compress my.
< I want to thank you for your patience. I know I often feel it. Sometimes, you have to wait for me a lot of time wondering how it stretched my metaphorical "5 minutes", or to make concessions in such extreme . simple and ridiculous things like the selection of the film for the evening or cafe for dinner, "I'm sorry" - I say with a sweet smile.
And finally I want to thank you because you always try to make me happy, , even if left alone for happiness the only reason. And the reason -. We
Yes, today is the day. The day when you remember all of the most kind and tender things that you do casually, sometimes even a weary sigh for me, but still making it clear that my choice "once and for all" was the best. And it's true.
Author: Anna Sorokina specifically for the Website
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