10 cartoons that you look avidly with the child

When we watch television with their children, they usually do not pay attention to the screen. But there are many examples of the plot and the idea can capture entirely as a small audience, and large.
Right now Website will speak about the most striking cartoons that will be of interest not only to the child - an adult and will be something to reflect upon their view
snovRise Keepers of the. Guardians

Bright cartoon that teaches us to believe in miracles. When Northerner, Ice Jack Rabbit, the Tooth Fairy and the Sandman learn that an evil spirit Kromeshnik going to fill the earth with fear and sadness, they unite to save his children from all over the world.
Steel gigantThe Iron Giant

Incredibly pathetic picture of how the boy finds a giant robot, flown to Earth from a distant galaxy space. Alien visitor, despite its enormous size, is good man. Between him and the brave boy tied true friendship. But the government and the military learned about the existence of the steel giant, decided to destroy the alien.
RalfWreck-It Ralph

Good cartoon, which gives a huge amount of positive emotions. Villain video game wanted to be a hero. So the decision is made: it is necessary to travel to the arcade games of different genres, to prove to everyone that he can not only destroy
KellsThe Mystery Secret of Kells

Middle Ages. Nice and smart boy Brendan, who worked on the strengthening of the Abbey of Kells, discovers a new life full of adventure, with the arrival of Brother Aidan, a famous master illustrator. Brother Aidan Brendan tells about the subtleties of his skill, prompting the boy amazing talent. Here is celebrated the value of knowledge, but also says that often we ourselves are blocking the way for creativity.
MedvezhonokBrother Brother Bear

Kenai, brave and agile hunter, angered the Great Spirits, killing a bear - an animal sacred to him - and the spirits of ancestors as punishment turned into a bear himself Kenaya. I came to him a naughty Bear Koda, who does not want to leave the hero alone. The fate knowingly brought these two together: at a time when a hunter sees a kindred spirit in a bear cub, he can become a man again. This is a story that teaches us that stupidity, selfishness, cruelty, could disappear within us only when we will visit in the skin of the victim.
Three kota

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Cartoon tells about the adventures of three lovely kittens - Caramels, biscuits and fruit drinks, which, of course, always gets into any alteration. Fortunately, next to the little ones are always Mom and Dad who always come to the rescue.
Little printsThe Little Prince

Pedantic lady and her little obedient daughter settle in the neighborhood with a good-natured old man aviator. And then measured and carefully plan the girl's life changed beyond recognition. A neighbor shows her amazing new world, full of magic and danger - the world of the Little Prince

Throughout his life, golden-haired Rapunzel has spent locked in a tower. But once her peace disturbed, and that the culprit - a quick charming thief named Flynn. Together with him she sent to the adventurous journey where everything for her new and strange, and where it is opened, who she really is.
Adventures imperatoraThe Emperor's New Groove

This cartoon impresses with vivid animation and hilarious jokes that will appeal to both adults and children. Selfish and rather narcissistic Emperor Cuzco Lama turned in his former sovetchitsey Izmoy, and now it can only save Pachu - village chief, condemned to demolition. Having lived through many adventures, Cusco is not simply corrected, but also finds a real friend.
MonstrovMonsters Corporation, Inc.

The creators of this cartoon remind us that we should not believe the stereotypes and judge a book by its cover. Monsters scare children, as electricity is obtained from the children's screams. However, touch either before a child can not be - it is considered dangerous. And once all the monsters peaceful life is threatened: the child gets into their world.
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