Unique photos of the pyramids taken illegally
18-year-old Andrew Ciesielski German climbed to the top of 146-meter-high pyramid in Giza. Offender detained by police as soon as he descended to the bottom of the ancient world wonder. But later the Munich teenager was released and allowed to leave the stranu.Andrey shared photos and videos of their illegal ascent in Egypt, and the Website could not miss the chance to show their readers the unique species that can not take off for an ordinary tourist.
via cameralabs.org/9745-podrostok-nezakonno-vzobralsya-na-piramidu-gizy-foto-i-videokadry

via cameralabs.org/9745-podrostok-nezakonno-vzobralsya-na-piramidu-gizy-foto-i-videokadry