One day he met an old cat kitten, who was chasing his tail ...
The site publishes a wise parable about where to hide our schaste.
day old kitten cat met. The kitten ran around and tried to catch his tail. Old cat stood and watched as the kitten still spinning, falling, getting up again and chasing tail.
- Why are you chasing your tail? - I asked the old cat
. - I was told - said the kitten - it my tail - this is my happiness, so I'm trying to catch him
Old cat smiled as it can do only old males, and said:
- When I was young, I also said that my happiness is in my tail. I ran for many days with his tail and tried to grab it. I did not eat, did not drink, but only ran for a tail. I fell exhausted, and got up again, trying to catch its tail. At some point I despaired and went. Just walked aimlessly, and you know what I noticed?
- What? - I asked in surprise kitten
. - I have noticed that the wherever I went, my tail goes everywhere with me
via factroom.ru

day old kitten cat met. The kitten ran around and tried to catch his tail. Old cat stood and watched as the kitten still spinning, falling, getting up again and chasing tail.
- Why are you chasing your tail? - I asked the old cat
. - I was told - said the kitten - it my tail - this is my happiness, so I'm trying to catch him
Old cat smiled as it can do only old males, and said:
- When I was young, I also said that my happiness is in my tail. I ran for many days with his tail and tried to grab it. I did not eat, did not drink, but only ran for a tail. I fell exhausted, and got up again, trying to catch its tail. At some point I despaired and went. Just walked aimlessly, and you know what I noticed?
- What? - I asked in surprise kitten
. - I have noticed that the wherever I went, my tail goes everywhere with me
via factroom.ru
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