The cat lived for 3 years in the cemetery.
I used to go and see visit their dead ancestors to the local cemetery of the village N. Today, I once again visited there after the winter. But I am worried about one more thing connected with this place. In one grave there lives a cat.
In 2010, I saw him there the first time. Home well maintained. It is gray and very fluffy. Every time he ran out of the center of the cemetery, on the concrete path, and celebrate the coming to honor the memory of loved ones. All they are touched. Cat in the cemetery. It's not often you see this. And at some point I thought ... Every time I go there - runs toward me the same cat. No, he was not hungry. He just wanted to communicate. They are constantly running out of the same place.
I found the grave. Nearby stood a bowl of food and water. As I stared at the grave of the cat purred and rubbed on my feet.
A young boy born in 1985. Large and clean marble monument. Around a lot of colors. A feeling has developed that there often to visit him. So everything was perfect.
After a while a woman came up with a bag of feed. I stood in a corner next to the grave and looked at the cat, who ran to meet her meowing. I could not resist, asked where this cat.
- This cat is my son buried here. He ran behind the coffin from the home. I looked like is lowered into the ground. Since then, it does not go away. We have several times taken him home, but the next day he ran away and came back here again. And here we go feed a day.
Cat in the food was not paying attention, he walked all around us murkal and rubbed on his feet. I stood there, my eyes dimmed with tears.
Since then, I often visited him, but did not go there in the winter. Once January night in 2011, he passed by. I was overpowered interest, and I turned to the cemetery. While driving along a path leading there, I prayed that the cat senses and even lived at home in the winter.
I stopped the car so that the lamp illuminates the entire path of the cemetery and walked into the darkness. And he was shocked when I ran toward the gray lump of fur. Meows, rejoice. Here I actually almost burst into tears. We had spent the 30 minutes that night. I could not not pet him.
- Frost, blizzard, the temperature drops to -30 at times, how do you here?
I peered into the darkness and saw the light among the graves.
Next to the master's grave was a small cardboard box, and inside was a glass jar in which two candles were burning. Probably figured out how the cat warm in the winter.
Since then, for me, this cat is a cat with a capital letter.
As time went on. All the while, the cat living on the very grave.
And now after a harsh winter in 2013, I decided to go and see a cat.
What I saw is simply not decent words to describe.
Cat I have not met. I was really beginning to worry. But coming to the right place, I saw him asleep in one of the graves. Vidocq he had not. Wool in some places ripped tufts. Potoschal. He lifted his head and stared at me. It was not the same opinion, that was before. Little attractive face overwhelmed with fear and terror. He saw me as, and froze. I waited for what I'll do.
I tried to call him. But once he came closer, he broke off and kept his distance.
On the grave of the old order, but the food bowls and I have not seen. I had to come up with where to put the food.
This concludes our meeting ended. He drifts somewhere gone. I stood and watched him go and did not understand:
- How much? How much you have to be so cruel people? To the cat who lives in the cemetery became so afraid of? This is what to do with him? Yes, in a place like this?
For some it's just a letter. For whom is this cat - a cat. For whom is this cat, as the guardian of souls of the cemetery.
And for me it is - a true and respected his master's pet! Who thought of this guy and his friend decided to stay together until the end of it! And I had my way, I would put this Cat monument next to this guy. As a sign of devotion and love!
© HellPes
In 2010, I saw him there the first time. Home well maintained. It is gray and very fluffy. Every time he ran out of the center of the cemetery, on the concrete path, and celebrate the coming to honor the memory of loved ones. All they are touched. Cat in the cemetery. It's not often you see this. And at some point I thought ... Every time I go there - runs toward me the same cat. No, he was not hungry. He just wanted to communicate. They are constantly running out of the same place.
I found the grave. Nearby stood a bowl of food and water. As I stared at the grave of the cat purred and rubbed on my feet.
A young boy born in 1985. Large and clean marble monument. Around a lot of colors. A feeling has developed that there often to visit him. So everything was perfect.
After a while a woman came up with a bag of feed. I stood in a corner next to the grave and looked at the cat, who ran to meet her meowing. I could not resist, asked where this cat.
- This cat is my son buried here. He ran behind the coffin from the home. I looked like is lowered into the ground. Since then, it does not go away. We have several times taken him home, but the next day he ran away and came back here again. And here we go feed a day.
Cat in the food was not paying attention, he walked all around us murkal and rubbed on his feet. I stood there, my eyes dimmed with tears.
Since then, I often visited him, but did not go there in the winter. Once January night in 2011, he passed by. I was overpowered interest, and I turned to the cemetery. While driving along a path leading there, I prayed that the cat senses and even lived at home in the winter.
I stopped the car so that the lamp illuminates the entire path of the cemetery and walked into the darkness. And he was shocked when I ran toward the gray lump of fur. Meows, rejoice. Here I actually almost burst into tears. We had spent the 30 minutes that night. I could not not pet him.
- Frost, blizzard, the temperature drops to -30 at times, how do you here?
I peered into the darkness and saw the light among the graves.
Next to the master's grave was a small cardboard box, and inside was a glass jar in which two candles were burning. Probably figured out how the cat warm in the winter.
Since then, for me, this cat is a cat with a capital letter.
As time went on. All the while, the cat living on the very grave.
And now after a harsh winter in 2013, I decided to go and see a cat.
What I saw is simply not decent words to describe.
Cat I have not met. I was really beginning to worry. But coming to the right place, I saw him asleep in one of the graves. Vidocq he had not. Wool in some places ripped tufts. Potoschal. He lifted his head and stared at me. It was not the same opinion, that was before. Little attractive face overwhelmed with fear and terror. He saw me as, and froze. I waited for what I'll do.
I tried to call him. But once he came closer, he broke off and kept his distance.
On the grave of the old order, but the food bowls and I have not seen. I had to come up with where to put the food.
This concludes our meeting ended. He drifts somewhere gone. I stood and watched him go and did not understand:
- How much? How much you have to be so cruel people? To the cat who lives in the cemetery became so afraid of? This is what to do with him? Yes, in a place like this?
For some it's just a letter. For whom is this cat - a cat. For whom is this cat, as the guardian of souls of the cemetery.
And for me it is - a true and respected his master's pet! Who thought of this guy and his friend decided to stay together until the end of it! And I had my way, I would put this Cat monument next to this guy. As a sign of devotion and love!
© HellPes

