This kitten is not stopped smiling ever since he was taken from the shelter
Cats have earned a reputation as a kind of cold, aloof and a bit angry animals. When people think of the cat's temperament, the words "fun" and "good-natured" hardly come to mind first. Fortunately, the red-haired kitten proved that cats can be more careless than we think about them. This is a happy kitten name is Ray and he has a serious reason for joy, because he no longer has to live in a shelter - he found a loving family! Little fluffy ball has a funny expression faces resembling a glowing smile that shows his immense happiness.
"I made no attempt to take two cats live another kitten, because at my house. But when I came home from work, I had a feeling that I need to go to the animal shelter "
"There I found this little lady, and was immediately struck by it!"
"I took her home, and since then, Ray does not stop smiling"
"It was named in honor of one of the characters of Star Wars"
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"I made no attempt to take two cats live another kitten, because at my house. But when I came home from work, I had a feeling that I need to go to the animal shelter "

"There I found this little lady, and was immediately struck by it!"

"I took her home, and since then, Ray does not stop smiling"

"It was named in honor of one of the characters of Star Wars"

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