The story is about how two Chinaman on different educate their children

- Dad, - blushing, said his eldest son. - A long time I did not know how to tell you this, but I like men more than women. I love Sun Ahuya. Of course you want your firstborn went your kind and became heir of your teaching, but ... I'm sorry, I do not need ... I just want to live my life with the Sun.
- Father, - embarrassed, turned to the master of his middle son. - I must confess to you that I am a pacifist, I am disgusting weapons, meat and suffering. You tried to educate me a warrior, a winner and protector, whom they had known in the whole of China, but I do not need ... Let's take away the house of our pig, I'll play with him, he Pourciau odezhku and become a vegetarian!
- Daddy! - Said the only daughter of the Master Van. - I am a young, intelligent and beautiful. And I do not want to fuss with the children and serve her husband. I want to have time to enjoy life, to engage in self-development and to build a career. I'll go to the city and become a childfree. But I promise that I will come to you every week!
Master Wang was ready to speak to their children, but suddenly flashed through his mind: "Is it worth it to forbid them anything to learn to live and decide for them? Let them do as they like, the main thing - to be happy. I'm not a savage and tolerant modern man ».
- Well, my children, - he said wearily, - live as you wish ...
It took about ten years. The children lived as wanted. The eldest son of Wang after numerous disease died of AIDS. Second practically lived in a pigsty, philosophizing about what our world - it's a dump dirt, garbage and filth. Daughter become rich and successful. But her young lover, copying her signature girl left penniless. Then she returned to the Pope and under the mantra "All of you bastards, all scum" took up self-help books.
Mr. Wang thought with horror: "What will I do when I am very old? I do not have a grandchild! ».
With these thoughts he went to a neighbor. He was sitting in the gazebo with a cup of tea.
- How you doing, neighbor? - Asked Wang. - All is well? As children?
- Yes, that's a senior recently begun to decipher the epitaphs on the old tombstones. He was so fascinated by this! In addition, it brings him good money. And let my daughter marry a judge - I look at them and I can not get enough! Middle went to serve in the imperial cavalry, led by "long hundreds". Well, the beautiful daughter gave birth to me already the fifth grandson ...
- Amazing! - Enthusiastically said Wang. - But did 10 years ago, your children do not want strange things? The youth are all hot and stupid ...
Neighbor Zhang nodded with agreement.
- How, then, you taught them to live? What is your secret training?
- I just told them that if they do not stop fooling around, I arrived they shovel ...
After that, the doctrine of individual freedom in China has been forgotten - instead flourished doctrine enlightens Shovels. And yes arrive with all Nirvana!

: Storyfo.ru
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It looked like in the young people who have heard by now of world politics
Sincere words of Paul Will his wife and children, which will open in him a different person