How to survive the output to work after the holidays
More recently, you have enjoyed a carefree holiday, but here again you sit in front of the monitor screen in the workplace and try to understand why you are here. Website to help you find funny pictures that can help you move smoothly from the holiday weekend to a working rhythm.
It is waiting for you! h3>
Here the work has accumulated a little ... h3>
The main thing - do not panic! h3>
After a difficult weekend, only the first five days h3>
To get into a rhythm, observe the schedule h3>
And you will be full of enthusiasm Desktop h3>
Remember, passive work - a kind of outdoor activities h3>
Leisure and laziness can only be one who has a bunch of urgent matters h3>
The first time nothing so tiring as all! h3>
And do not forget to thank yourself at least for the purpose! h3>
25 postcards about work and rest on her
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-narodnoe-tvorchestvo/25-otkrytok-pro-rabotu-i-otdyh-ot-nee-818960/
10 films about how important it is to go ahead, even if it does not work
Great people begin to act before they will be ready