15 countries wedding photos that have not placed in a frame
Kiss at the wedding is a very serious matter, because look at you all your guests and parents. During the wedding ceremony kiss may be too nervous and spoil the romantic moment, but these guys do not screw up, they did all this intentionally. We offer you a collection of embarrassing photos taken during the wedding kiss. Waiting for you kiss the wrong, wrong, wrong place and wrong.
Now you can kiss loshad
Hey, I zdes
What's going on here?
If her wedding, it does not mean that it should be in the center of vnimaniya
Romantic background and still more romantic gesture bride
Cool to portray Superman when you were holding their 4 devushki
You're going to sit on the toilet, and I embrace you tenderly szadi
Nobody cares (or just unpleasant to watch) 11,279,962
Sons odobryayut
It is much older than him, but he has a mustache gusche
I have fulfilled its function, can I go home?
"I have my whole life dreaming about it"
Who needs that suit ... and a razor ... and manners ... and sportzal..
Now you can kiss loshad

Hey, I zdes

What's going on here?

If her wedding, it does not mean that it should be in the center of vnimaniya

Romantic background and still more romantic gesture bride
Cool to portray Superman when you were holding their 4 devushki

You're going to sit on the toilet, and I embrace you tenderly szadi

Nobody cares (or just unpleasant to watch) 11,279,962
Sons odobryayut

It is much older than him, but he has a mustache gusche

I have fulfilled its function, can I go home?

"I have my whole life dreaming about it"

Who needs that suit ... and a razor ... and manners ... and sportzal..

20+ nondescript people who have taken myself and prettier!
Drain the Canal Saint-Martin in Paris, authorities found there incredible things