What do the fat deposits in different parts of the body.

As is known, the figure of each woman is unique and has its own characteristics. Some ladies have appetizing forms, others - so slender that they can not observe a single gram of fat.
Regarding body fat, they may be located in different areas of the body. Fat, which is located in a particular part of the body, says that in the body there is any violation.
Fat deposits on the sides
If you notice that appeared on the sides of folds of fat, this suggests that disrupted thyroid and fat "force" deposited in these places thyroid hormones. In order to prevent further fat deposition in these areas, is not enough to follow a diet, it should also avoid the use of heavy metals contained in the water from the tap and in toothpaste. If they are already in your body, you should try to get them as soon as possible.
Fat deposits on the stomach
You've probably noticed that the fat is able to be deposited in the abdominal area even in lean people. This suggests that a person is experiencing a long period of time, a lot of stress. Scientists have long noticed that when stress and depression, fat deposits occur in the first place, it is the stomach. First you need to clean up the nervous system, it is recommended to drink away the course of soothing herbs. Only then you can get rid of the accumulated fat in the abdomen.
Fat deposits on the back and hips
If the fat on the hips looks more or less as usual, the fat rolls on her back look ugly. Women with the "overhang" on the back is very difficult to pick up clothes, you can not, for example, to wear tight-fitting dress or a beautiful lace underwear.
Fat deposits on the hips and back suggest that their owner loves pastry and sweets that contain large amounts of carbohydrates. As a result, the blood begins to produce large amounts of insulin. To get rid of fat in these places, you just need to give up fast carbohydrates, loaf, for example, it is desirable to replace grain loaves and sweets - honey and fruit.
Full of eggs and thick knees
In such fat, many women simply do not pay attention. This defect does not prevent wear different outfits, besides, thick knees and hips can successfully hide trousers. However, the owner of the good, all the same, on a subconscious level feel discomfort and heaviness.
The fat in these places is formed by overuse of salty and sweet products. As a result, the body in the calves and knees begins to accumulate excess fluid. One solution - you need to minimize the amount of salty and sweet foods. In addition, it is recommended to arrange fasting days of salt-free once a week.
Fat deposits on the chest at the top of the hands and inner thighs
This lists hormone space and fat which accumulates on these portions of the body, said that the blood contains large amounts of the female hormone - estrogen. In this case, you must visit a gynecologist-endocrinologist who prescribe treatment.