- Consciousness, created the universe, and inherent in us.
Our mind - a fragment of a large hologram: the universal consciousness. Though he is busy with his own little world, it is still part of the great cosmic mind, and it is available in all Vselennoy.My believe in it, because we can believe. We do not forget about what practical benefits it promises us this belief: if we laid the consciousness that created the universe, is it remains for us something impossible? Is can scare us the difficulties that we know the true nature of his mind? For us, everything becomes feasible.
- We exist in a web of power and one with it.
Everything arises from the scope of the unmanifested, and returns to the same. Undeveloped - what is not. This creative force of energy web - the root cause of all of Vselennoy.Vse we - the children of the unmanifested. Galaxy and ants, people and oceans generated by a single source. Everything - our brothers and sisters: people, plants, animals, even time and space; we are all interconnected.
- Consciousness weaves a web of energy and controls it.
Energy Wide Web reacts to our instructions and executes them. So it is arranged. The web waits for a signal from the consciousness. We are dealing with a web of energy. Every thought and every belief she passed through the unique pattern of oscillation. Fluctuations - the universal language of the universe.
- Everything is there for us as a potential opportunity.
Nothing restricts a person other than his own beliefs. All things are possible to him who believes. Universe mysterious than you can imagine. It exists in a state of infinite possibilities, and we make a whole with it. We believe in your ability to achieve anything.
These four postulates, even though they are hidden in metaphors and allegories, supported by quantum theory. They can be guided in life. We imprinted them in his subconscious mind, and then they become our source of strength, into an instrument for great things.