26 Germans for the year paid a thousand euros a month, to check whether they will still function

The experiment, called «Mein Grundeinkommen» («My basic income") carried out in 2014 the Berlin entrepreneur Bohmeyerom Mikael (Michael Bohmeyer) and financed with money collected crowdfunding.
The research problem - to find out how to behave like Germans, if the state will begin paying monthly free of every citizen of the country the amount of thousand euros (about 78 thousand).
The idea of an unconditional universal income, time solving the problem of poverty in the country in recent years in Europe is gaining more and more popularity. In Germany, she like many supporters and many critics, who believe that because of the money many Germans simply stop working and begin to bring the country's economy only losses.
The government has already started experimenting with similar benefit: children and adolescents up to 25 years in Germany have the right to obtain free of charge about $ 200 per month (about 14 thousand).
According Bohmeyera, who recently retired from the Internet startup and has since led a carefree life, the basic payment will allow residents of the country to significantly increase their creativity.
Over time, the machine will perform for us most of the mechanical work. In order to begin to engage in creative activity, people need some kind of protection, something that makes them feel at ease. And that is what they can get from the basic payments.
Michael Bohmeyer, entrepreneur
Since the start of the experiment, it was attended by 26 people, and more than 30 thousand people have made donations for the event. Every few weeks, from 66 thousand wanting Bohmeyer chooses a few people who are beginning to pay a thousand euros a month for a year. The only thing that is required of participants - report on their activities. Money they are free to dispose of as you wish.
Selecting people for the experiment takes place in the format of the lottery, which was held in Berlin in front of a theater audience in real-time broadcast network. December 8th among the winners were four women: one wanted to spend money on something to spend more time with their children and work as a volunteer, the other - to "live your dream", the third - to pursue theater, and the fourth - to "wake up happy and more travel". The only winner man said that the funds will hire employees for your business growing organic products.
All project participants agree on one thing - they begin to sleep better at night. But their lives changed not so much: students continue to study, work - work, and prisoners - in jail. The amendments concern for the most part of their way of thinking. People feel more free and more healthy.
Michael Bohmeyer, entrepreneur
Bohmeyer told the press that one of the participants spent their first thousand euros on a noisy party "to bring the blues from his body", and the other to deal with stress related to the payment of child support and the fear of losing their jobs.
A resident of the city of Munster quit his job in the call center, which is hated, and returned to study to get a dream job - a kindergarten teacher. According Bohmeyera, for eight years the young man was unhappy, but for a first step toward the well-being it is just not enough of these payments.
The author of the project says that the idea of base pay is based on four principles: it is universal, it solves the problem of the individual, it does not depend on any condition and produces for every citizen of the country's highest minimum level of quality of life.
The experiment is designed to Bohmeyera convince skeptical German politicians that the cost of imposing the state will pay off a healthier society, but he understands that in Germany in the near future, base pay is not worth waiting.
Nevertheless, the idea was almost brought to life in Finland. Since 2017 the inhabitants of the country will pay a monthly amount equivalent to 900 dollars (about 64 thousand). It will replace the Finns of the benefits, but will be issued to all citizens without exception. The idea was supported by 70% of the population.
In February, a referendum on the introduction of unconditional payments to be spent in Switzerland. In addition, the issue is actively discussed in the Netherlands.
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