10 important facts about the eyes, and how to preserve vision
Eyes - not only the mirror of the soul, but also a variety of keepers of secrets that are known to ophthalmologists - unlike us. These small details of our blue (green and brown) "mirror of the soul" are fraught with a lot of information not only about our vision, but also on health in general. < Website publishes a compilation of facts about the eyes that we need to know .
1. The computer does not harm your eyes h3> «It does not cause physical damage to the eyes or any other harm», says Douglas Rea, Chair of the Department of Ophthalmology at the Medical Center of University Hospitals in Cleveland. However, he adds that excessive eye strain when using the monitor can result in fatigue and temporarily weaken eyesight, so it's worth doing periodic breaks: every 20 minutes look away from the screen to open and look away or close your eyes for 2-5 minutes.
2. Points do not impair vision h3> «I always ask this question, but is just a myth , - says Mark Fromer, an ophthalmologist from Lenox Hill Hospital in New York. - Everything that makes eyewear - it helps you to see better. " But how often should I update them? Dr. Fromer says that it depends on the age. The older a person is, the less it needs to be checked by an ophthalmologist. A simple rule: adolescents and young people need to buy new lenses every year for people older - every two years. The reason to order new lenses are problems reading or recognizing road signs and headaches.
3. All eyes - one color h3> « rear wall of the iris all people hazel color, - explains Dr. Rea. - Will eye blue, green or hazel color depends on the thickness of the iris. " It is therefore quite normal eye color change with age. "Much more disturbing, if only one eye is beginning to change color," he adds. This change may be a sign of disease. In people with light eyes, especially Caucasians, more likely to develop dangerous but common disorder called macular degeneration, which is a common cause of visual impairment and includes the defeat of the retina. Owners brown eyes of Spanish and African descent more likely to suffer from glaucoma.
4. Sunlight reduces the risk of myopia h3> «While the reading is considered a major cause of myopia in children, studies show that the time spent outdoors, reduces this risk, - says Dr. Rea. - So read books and do not forget to go out! »Scientists still not clear how it is interconnected, but maybe the whole thing in raising the level of dopamine in the retina coming under the influence of sunlight. It is also possible, in view of maintaining a good play of vitamin D, and thus the sunlight - its source - is required for prevention of myopia.
5. In winter, the eyes become drier as the skin h3> If you feel discomfort in your eyes, they are red and irritated quickly, the reason for this may be a dry air at low temperatures. "The number of natural came down on the surface of the eye it depends on the extent to which they are produced and the extent to which evaporate or flow - explains Dr. Rea. - The drier the air, the more evaporation takes place. " He recommends that a humidifier in the bedroom during the heating season, periodic eye drops and drink plenty of fluids.
6. To sleep in lenses, you should not h3> Even if the packaging of contact lenses gives you this "green light», never sleep in lenses, warned Dr. Rea. "It dramatically increases the risk of complications and infections that can threaten eyesight." Dr. Fromer also adds that while wearing contact lenses hygiene should be at the highest level - a mandatory hand washing with soap and water before handling lenses nightly lowering of the lenses in a special solution and perfectly clean container for storage.
7. Make-up can damage your eyes h3> The next time applying mascara on the lashes, be extremely careful, "I come across a lot of patients with injuries to the eye, drawn brushes for mascara - people scratch their own cornea, - says Dr. Fromer . - And sometimes I meet patients with cosmetic particles caught in the top layer of the eyeball. " This can happen if the trapped particles makeup "will acquire" the cells of the upper layer of the eye. What to do? In this case (it is worth noting: very rarely) to help with the antibiotic drops.
8. Smoking greatly harms the eyes h3> «Smoking increases the risk of macular degeneration - the main cause of blindness in Caucasians," said Dr Rea. How smoking may affect the status of? "Smoking damages the small blood nerves in the cornea and optic nerve, which can lead to vision loss," adds Dr. Fromer.
9. Eyes can indicate other diseases h3> ophthalmologist can detect on a routine check not only eye diseases, and heart failure (an abnormal formation or increase in blood vessels in the eyes), a cancer or tumor (symptoms may include different size pupils, sagging of the eyelids) and even HIV and other autoimmune diseases (swelling or bleeding of the retina is a common symptom of the advanced stage of HIV / AIDS or other diseases of the immune system).
10. Cataract is inevitable, like glasses h3> «transparent lens of the eye initially, but with age it begins to turn yellow, sometimes turn white," Fromer said, referring to the loss of lens transparency - what is called a cataract. Sunglasses with UV protection slows down the process, so you should wear them. As to the inevitable deterioration of vision, which is to prepare for each guaranteed way to keep it there, although genetics plays a key role.