6 good from hydrogen peroxide!

Of course, if you do not have individual sensitivity to it and you do not overdo it with its application.
Use only need 3% hydrogen peroxide pharmacy!
1. Good dries.
When skin rashes and acne moisten a cotton swab and treat problem areas. The main thing - do not overdo it and not to apply all over the face, and you can get irritation and peeling.
2. Well disinfects.
You can handle wounds, cuts, scrapes, blisters, insect bites combed. When applying a little tingling, and could bubble - this is normal.
3. Good brightens.
Gently lubricated cotton swab spots, freckles, "black spots" and hair strands.
4. Good deodorizes.
You can wipe the inside of shoes to get rid of the odor.
5. Good treats.
- If bleeding and sensitive gums half a cup of cool boiled water mixed with 1 tsp. Of peroxide and rinse your mouth 2 times a day;
- Runny nose or sinusitis - to dissolve 10-15 drops of peroxide in 1 tbsp. a spoonful of cool boiled water and wash the nose, dig the solution into the nostrils.
6. Good anaesthetises.
If you are a long time sitting in an uncomfortable position, and a sore or aching neck, wet handkerchief or cotton pad peroxide, applied to the neck, top ukutatayte polyethylene to warm for 15 minutes. If pain is severe, it is necessary to repeat this procedure a few days.