In Dubai, it presented the most expensive in the world of English muffin ...
The British company Bloomsbury opened its boutique cafe in the luxurious The Dubai Mall and in honor of this event has created the most expensive in the world of traditional English muffin, called "Golden Phoenix».
The dish, created from the most expensive and high-quality ingredients, was presented at the official opening of the cafe. On its creation has been spent $ 28,000!
Customers who bought this precious cupcake, it will put on a tray of exclusive high-end porcelain and 24-carat gold, created by Italian textiles Villari.
To create a cake using the highest quality ingredients, imported from various countries - organic flour Doves and organic butter Rachel's from the UK, cocoa Amedei Porceleana premium from Italy, vanilla beans Ugandan Gold from Uganda, as well as organic strawberries and 23-carat gold foil.
Tibetan medicine. Recipes.
In France, put up for sale an ancient castle of Le Chateau de Vigny $ 6 million ....