20 fascinating facts about the short space
How small our dear Earth before the cold infinity of space! A man on it at all tiny, but until we know more significant creatures in the entire universe. < Website invites you on a virtual journey to interstellar scholars! Learn more about the cosmos.
1. The sun is 99, 8 per cent of the mass of the solar system
Namely, 1 989 100 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 kg. All the other planets, moons, asteroids, and other matter, including all the people in the world, fit in the remaining 0, 2 percent.
2. The gas cloud in the constellation Eagle contains enough alcohol to make 200 liters of beer septillionov
The amount of ethanol was measured in 1995, and scientists have discovered about thirty other chemicals in the cloud, but alcohol was a major.
3. We found more than a thousand planets outside our solar system over the past 20 years,
At this point in 1822 confirmed the existence of the planets.
4. Sound interstellar space sounds scary
The spacecraft Voyager 1 recorded the sound of the vibrating dense plasma in interstellar space in 2012 and 2013.
5. All the planets of the solar system would fit between the Earth and the Moon
The distance between the Earth and the Moon (384,440 km) - [The diameter of Mercury (4879 km) + diameter of Venus (12,104 km) + diameter of Mars (6771 km) + diameter of Jupiter (138,350 km) + diameter of Saturn (114 630 km) + Uranus diameter (50,532 kilometers) + diameter of Neptune (49 105 km)] = 8069 km.
6. Photon takes an average of 170 000 years to go from the core to the surface of the Sun
But only 8 minutes to reach Earth.
7. We can not hear any sound in space
Voyager recorded sounds of interstellar space by using the plasma wave instrument, but since the gas in interstellar space is less dense, we are not able to hear the sound.
If the sound waves pass through a large cloud of gas in space, only a few atoms per second, reached the eardrum, and we would not hear the sound, since the membrane is not sensitive enough.
8. Saturn's rings from time to time "disappear»
Every 14-15 years, Saturn's rings are turning to the edge of the Earth. They are so narrow compared to how big Saturn, it seems that they disappear.
9. Saturn has an additional ring of huge, open only in 2009
The ring starts about six million kilometers from Saturn, and its length is 12 million km, which together have 300 Saturn. Saturn's moon Phoebe rotates inside the ring and some astronomers believe that he is the source of the ring.
10. At the north pole of Saturn has a hexagonal cloud
The hexagonal vortex has a size of almost 30 000 km in diameter.
11. In our solar system there is an asteroid with rings like Saturn
In the asteroid Chariklo two dense and narrow rings. It is the fifth object in the solar system that has a ring, along with Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune and Uranus.
12. Jupiter in 2, 5 times more than all the planets of the solar system together
13. For half an hour the Earth gets more solar energy than we used for the whole of 2001
14. If you fell into a black hole, you would be stretched like noodles
This phenomenon is called "spaggetifikatsiya».
15. If nothing disturbs the moon (such as a meteorite), the traces left on the surface, will be there forever
Unlike Earth, the Moon is no erosion caused by wind and water.
16. Recently it opened the star was hiding in the glare of a supernova 21
The star and its companion, which exploded and hid it from view, are in the galaxy M81, located at a distance of 11 million light years from Earth.
17. Dung beetles guided by the Milky Way
Birds, seals and people use the stars to guide, but the African dung beetles use the entire galaxy, rather than individual stars, to make sure that they are moving in a straight line.
18. An object the size of Mars collided with Earth 4, 5 billion years ago
It is the most plausible explanation of how the Moon was formed. From the object broke a piece that became the moon, and caused the Earth's axis is slightly tilted.
19. We are all made of stardust
After the Big Bang, the tiny particles are connected to hydrogen and helium. Then, in a very hot and dense centers of stars, they have teamed up to create the elements, including iron.
Since people, animals and other matter contains most of the elements, we can say that we are made of stardust.
20. In the known universe countless stars
We do not know how many stars in the universe. At the moment, we use approximate estimates to see how many stars in our Milky Way galaxy. Multiplying this number by the estimated number of galaxies in the universe, we can say that there is an unimaginable number of stars.
According to research by the Australian National Institute of stars is about 70 sextillion , and it is 70,000 million million.
via www.infoniac.ru/news/20-faktov-o-kosmose-kotorye-zastavyat-vas-pochuvstvovat-sebya-neznachitel-nymi.html

1. The sun is 99, 8 per cent of the mass of the solar system
Namely, 1 989 100 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 kg. All the other planets, moons, asteroids, and other matter, including all the people in the world, fit in the remaining 0, 2 percent.
2. The gas cloud in the constellation Eagle contains enough alcohol to make 200 liters of beer septillionov
The amount of ethanol was measured in 1995, and scientists have discovered about thirty other chemicals in the cloud, but alcohol was a major.
3. We found more than a thousand planets outside our solar system over the past 20 years,
At this point in 1822 confirmed the existence of the planets.
4. Sound interstellar space sounds scary
The spacecraft Voyager 1 recorded the sound of the vibrating dense plasma in interstellar space in 2012 and 2013.
5. All the planets of the solar system would fit between the Earth and the Moon
The distance between the Earth and the Moon (384,440 km) - [The diameter of Mercury (4879 km) + diameter of Venus (12,104 km) + diameter of Mars (6771 km) + diameter of Jupiter (138,350 km) + diameter of Saturn (114 630 km) + Uranus diameter (50,532 kilometers) + diameter of Neptune (49 105 km)] = 8069 km.

6. Photon takes an average of 170 000 years to go from the core to the surface of the Sun
But only 8 minutes to reach Earth.
7. We can not hear any sound in space
Voyager recorded sounds of interstellar space by using the plasma wave instrument, but since the gas in interstellar space is less dense, we are not able to hear the sound.
If the sound waves pass through a large cloud of gas in space, only a few atoms per second, reached the eardrum, and we would not hear the sound, since the membrane is not sensitive enough.
8. Saturn's rings from time to time "disappear»
Every 14-15 years, Saturn's rings are turning to the edge of the Earth. They are so narrow compared to how big Saturn, it seems that they disappear.
9. Saturn has an additional ring of huge, open only in 2009
The ring starts about six million kilometers from Saturn, and its length is 12 million km, which together have 300 Saturn. Saturn's moon Phoebe rotates inside the ring and some astronomers believe that he is the source of the ring.
10. At the north pole of Saturn has a hexagonal cloud
The hexagonal vortex has a size of almost 30 000 km in diameter.

11. In our solar system there is an asteroid with rings like Saturn
In the asteroid Chariklo two dense and narrow rings. It is the fifth object in the solar system that has a ring, along with Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune and Uranus.
12. Jupiter in 2, 5 times more than all the planets of the solar system together
13. For half an hour the Earth gets more solar energy than we used for the whole of 2001
14. If you fell into a black hole, you would be stretched like noodles
This phenomenon is called "spaggetifikatsiya».
15. If nothing disturbs the moon (such as a meteorite), the traces left on the surface, will be there forever
Unlike Earth, the Moon is no erosion caused by wind and water.

16. Recently it opened the star was hiding in the glare of a supernova 21
The star and its companion, which exploded and hid it from view, are in the galaxy M81, located at a distance of 11 million light years from Earth.
17. Dung beetles guided by the Milky Way
Birds, seals and people use the stars to guide, but the African dung beetles use the entire galaxy, rather than individual stars, to make sure that they are moving in a straight line.
18. An object the size of Mars collided with Earth 4, 5 billion years ago
It is the most plausible explanation of how the Moon was formed. From the object broke a piece that became the moon, and caused the Earth's axis is slightly tilted.
19. We are all made of stardust
After the Big Bang, the tiny particles are connected to hydrogen and helium. Then, in a very hot and dense centers of stars, they have teamed up to create the elements, including iron.
Since people, animals and other matter contains most of the elements, we can say that we are made of stardust.
20. In the known universe countless stars
We do not know how many stars in the universe. At the moment, we use approximate estimates to see how many stars in our Milky Way galaxy. Multiplying this number by the estimated number of galaxies in the universe, we can say that there is an unimaginable number of stars.
According to research by the Australian National Institute of stars is about 70 sextillion , and it is 70,000 million million.
via www.infoniac.ru/news/20-faktov-o-kosmose-kotorye-zastavyat-vas-pochuvstvovat-sebya-neznachitel-nymi.html
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