Seven facts about female duels, much more violent than men
Traditionally showdown with weapons was considered unfeminine occupation. When the men came together in a duel, defending the honor of the ladies - it was a noble act. But how to qualify such a behavior pattern among women? Duel of women were even more rare, but much more violent than men - most of them do not end the "first blood" and death. Website offers you a selection of facts about female duels.
first documented bout between women was a duel of 27 May 1571. In the chronicle of Milanese convent of St. Benedicta this day was marked by the arrival of two noble gentlemen, asked the abbess room for joint prayer. Locked in a room, the women staged a fight with daggers. As a result, both were killed. According to legend, in 1642 the duel of the Duke of Richelieu - the future cardinal - between the Marquise de Nesle and the Countess de Polignac. Ladies fought for the favor of the Duke with swords in the Bois de Boulogne - at least, described the incident in his notes Richelieu. In the middle of the XVII century in France, England, Germany, Italy female duels took place more and more. Fights with swords or pistols ended in fatalities in the 8 out of 10 (for comparison, in men's duels - 4 out of 10). Ladies fought with extreme brutality - smeared poison the tips of swords or a special compound that causes a burning pain in any touch, shot up to as long as one of them was killed or seriously injured. As a rule, epee ladies fought topless - firstly, dresses restrict movement, and secondly, it was considered dangerous from entering the wound pieces of fabric. Women duels were common in France, but in Russia XVIII-XIX centuries. They also happened often enough. Russian boom in female duels began with the ascension to the throne of Catherine II, who in his youth she fought with swords with his second cousin Because ladies men fighting with pistols, swords, pocket knives, and even the nails! In fact, these fights were often fights with no rules. One of their contemporaries rightly said: "If we take into account the great irritability, which so often accompanies the relationship between women, we are surprised that they are still relatively rare fight a duel, which is a valve for emotions."
via www.kulturologia.ru/blogs/121215/27544/

first documented bout between women was a duel of 27 May 1571. In the chronicle of Milanese convent of St. Benedicta this day was marked by the arrival of two noble gentlemen, asked the abbess room for joint prayer. Locked in a room, the women staged a fight with daggers. As a result, both were killed. According to legend, in 1642 the duel of the Duke of Richelieu - the future cardinal - between the Marquise de Nesle and the Countess de Polignac. Ladies fought for the favor of the Duke with swords in the Bois de Boulogne - at least, described the incident in his notes Richelieu. In the middle of the XVII century in France, England, Germany, Italy female duels took place more and more. Fights with swords or pistols ended in fatalities in the 8 out of 10 (for comparison, in men's duels - 4 out of 10). Ladies fought with extreme brutality - smeared poison the tips of swords or a special compound that causes a burning pain in any touch, shot up to as long as one of them was killed or seriously injured. As a rule, epee ladies fought topless - firstly, dresses restrict movement, and secondly, it was considered dangerous from entering the wound pieces of fabric. Women duels were common in France, but in Russia XVIII-XIX centuries. They also happened often enough. Russian boom in female duels began with the ascension to the throne of Catherine II, who in his youth she fought with swords with his second cousin Because ladies men fighting with pistols, swords, pocket knives, and even the nails! In fact, these fights were often fights with no rules. One of their contemporaries rightly said: "If we take into account the great irritability, which so often accompanies the relationship between women, we are surprised that they are still relatively rare fight a duel, which is a valve for emotions."
via www.kulturologia.ru/blogs/121215/27544/