Five most status items Middle Ages
A man is a man; he certainly needed the status of things. In those days, when we were still part of a savage tribe, we used bling to stand out from the crowd. We now have iPhones and mersedesy.I in the Middle Ages the goal was the same, changing only the means. Website lists several things that modern man in the street may even seem funny, but before that they talked a lot about the status of the owner.
Pineapple h2> In the 17-18 centuries, exotic fruits were not as accessible as it is today, and so they were very expensive. The most unusual was considered pineapple. He even did not eat, but just to show others. Often, to show their status on the feast pineapple rented.
Chess h2> Another symbol of high status were considered as chess. This game required a large amount of free time. And since most of the population worked day and night, then play a game of chess could afford only a man not burdened with work.
Hut with wiser hermit h2> The symbol not only of high standing, but intelligence was considered a recluse hut, which was built in the castle or manor. Thus the owner demonstrated his intelligence, allegedly spending days on end in the conversations with the wise old man.
Puleny h2> During the reign of the French king Philip IV was fashionable among the aristocracy to wear puleny - shoes with incredibly long socks. Thus to know the 14th century demonstrated their innocence to work. In order not to stumble when walking, the tips of socks Poulin twine tied to the leg.
Sugar h2> Sugar at the time was also considered a symbol of wealth. Know often order his whole sweet statue, thus showing their wealth.

Pineapple h2> In the 17-18 centuries, exotic fruits were not as accessible as it is today, and so they were very expensive. The most unusual was considered pineapple. He even did not eat, but just to show others. Often, to show their status on the feast pineapple rented.
Chess h2> Another symbol of high status were considered as chess. This game required a large amount of free time. And since most of the population worked day and night, then play a game of chess could afford only a man not burdened with work.
Hut with wiser hermit h2> The symbol not only of high standing, but intelligence was considered a recluse hut, which was built in the castle or manor. Thus the owner demonstrated his intelligence, allegedly spending days on end in the conversations with the wise old man.
Puleny h2> During the reign of the French king Philip IV was fashionable among the aristocracy to wear puleny - shoes with incredibly long socks. Thus to know the 14th century demonstrated their innocence to work. In order not to stumble when walking, the tips of socks Poulin twine tied to the leg.
The Church sees in this shoe the machinations of the devil, because during prayer in Poulain was uncomfortable to kneel.
Sugar h2> Sugar at the time was also considered a symbol of wealth. Know often order his whole sweet statue, thus showing their wealth.
via www.kulturologia.ru/blogs/101215/27528/
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