5 interesting facts about the great swords, entered into history
Sword - is not just a strip of sharpened metal handle. A sword - it is the whole story, often glorious and heroic, but always tragic: for weapons is not created for zabavy.Skolko glorious feats remembered from our collection of swords - God knows! Website tells the fascinating ancient sword.
Khopesh, Ancient Egypt h2> Ancient Egypt - this is certainly one of the most ancient and unique civilizations in the world. Although former glory long gone, along with the lives and ambitions of the pharaohs, the memory of the Egyptian weapons hardly ever sink into oblivion.
Xiphos, Ancient Greece h2> Of course, you can not isolate the people from such a fateful any particular weapon that distinguish against other. And while the Greeks are known as spearmen, Xiphos we have chosen, which is characteristic of the auxiliary arms hoplite or falangita.
Gladius Ancient Rome h2> This sword, which glorified Rome, by and large is an interpretation of Xiphos. However, from Libya, one of the most famous Roman historians, a different opinion on this matter. His conclusion is that the gladius is derived from the Celtic La Tene period and Hallstatt cultures. But the debate on this issue does not subside, and it is not important. Anyway, this sword will remain in history as a symbol of the main argument of any Roman.
Viking Sword, Medieval Europe h2> It's a shame not to know who Charles the Great, and why the sword, which was circulated in the early Middle Ages, named after the dynasty which he founded. However, the title is very conditional. Just historians have found it necessary to call on the name of the weapon dynasty, which left a huge mark on the history of Europe and formed, roughly speaking, the first kingdom in the west. Carolingians at the time of distribution of this sword has its moribund. But the Vikings prospered, and the terror of the Christian settlements.
Romanesque sword Middle Ages h2> Perhaps the most famous medieval sword. It uses only the elite troops, or to be more precise - the knights. But in Russia the Romanesque sword was distributed mainly among the prince's retinue. It is this attribute of any weapon was a gentleman, was the status of this thing, access to which has been closed for commoners. It was with this sword in the award-winning warrior class of the Middle Ages there is the concept of honor. Romance swords could be decorated with stones and gold, but the fight for a more modest use swords, because the sword - this is primarily a weapon that kills the glory of the suzerain, the King or the Lord.