Why minimalism - is the best way of life

has been actively developing the minimalist movement, who are trying to have as many things as necessary. They believe that such an approach makes them happier and frees up space for important priorities.
Blogger Alexander Glagolev talks about the concept of minimalism and revision Website with him finds , why less - it is better.
We all love things. With the anticipation of rush home with a new box. Prance go on shopping center with a huge paper bag. It is an incredible, new, unparalleled, smashed to smithereens all the competition thing. Resorting home. Do not take off your shoes without washing hands, we lust we obtain it from the bag, shaking hands, take out of the box ... Yes! Yes, that's it, happiness! We now have a new status, new opportunities, new I donated this thing ...
The only problem is that the joy of the purchase lasts a little less than the time taken me to write the first paragraph of this article. You'll laugh, but I realized this recently. Anyway, money and feelings if they track together - something rather complicated. I have more than two years studying their spending in order to develop a culture of consumption, which in turn influenced my perception of life in general. I like it. It is likely that you do not do. But I still share.
I would add that track all of your spending, it makes sense only to draw some conclusions on the percentage of recurring expenses. To plan a budget and limit their spending, I believe - fatal path. Simply change their attitude towards consumption.
My dear reader can not tolerate long texts, so lazy bold highlighted the main points. If you want to - my personal rules that I adhere to a long time ago, but only now formulate.
Less is best
When it turn into a pumpkin?
The thing is - it's never an investment
The anticipation is always stronger than the joy of buying
Evaluation of the effect
As a conclusion
All the best to the constraints created. Almost all you can do. The less you head is filled with silly questions about the color and shade of the new tableware cabinet, the more there is room for good thoughts. And right thoughts will allow you to get the only thing that does not happen much, which you can buy everything.
Author: Alexander Glagolev
Photos in the preview: etsy.com
via www.etsy.com/shop/theartofobservation