7 important facts about the state of the nails and Health
To determine the state of health of our doctors use primarily visual inspection. Our body can give a lot of clues about what's going on inside. One of these "indicators" are nogti.Vsё that can be said about you on your nails, you find the new collection Website
1. Fading and fading h2>
2. The yellowish tint h2>
3. A bluish tint h2>
4. White spots h2>
5. The cross "grooves» h2>
6. Longitudinal line h2>
7. Brittle and exfoliating h2>
1. Fading and fading h2>
According to dermatologist Medical Center in New York Julia Tse, discoloration or paleness of nails, which had not been observed, it may indicate a problem with the nail plate.
"If there are such spots, it can serve as the primary symptoms of melanoma of the nail plate," - explains the doctor.
2. The yellowish tint h2>
"If you have purchased a yellowish tint nails, this may indicate the presence of psoriasis," - said the doctor. Also, according to some experts, yellow nails says emerging liver problems.
3. A bluish tint h2>
No less disturbing, and this signal - the appearance of a bluish hue (cyanosis). According to Dr. Andrea Weil Harvard Medical School, it may indicate a low hemoglobin level, problems with blood circulation and the respiratory system.
4. White spots h2>
They can appear and disappear. Many prefer not to attach any importance to this. And for good reason. Small white spots of different shapes say a shortage in the body of zinc or calcium.
Moreover, if the nails began to appear horizontal white stripes, it indicates kidney disease, warns Julie Tzu. This state has a separate name - Leukonychia.
5. The cross "grooves» h2>
According to the doctor, the presence of small depressions on the nail surface may indicate that a person is constantly experiencing a lot of stress. The second reason - a metabolic disorder. And finally, the third - the trauma of the nail.
6. Longitudinal line h2>
Most often thin longitudinal lines on nails occur in older people, this phenomenon is caused by age-related changes in an organism. Sometimes, however, the strip can occur in young. In this case the appearance of longitudinal lines can indicate that a person consumes enough fluids.
7. Brittle and exfoliating h2>
There are several reasons. Among the most common, doctors say a lack of vitamins A, E, D, as well as iron and zinc. Besides exfoliating and brittle nails may indicate problems in the endocrine and cardiovascular system and, in particular, be the first harbinger of diabetes.
via www.popmech.ru/science/232528-vzglyanite-na-ruki-7-vazhnykh-veshchey-kotorye-nogti-govoryat-o-vashem-zdorove/
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