15 films about women with strong character

At the words "strong woman" in our mind images of people are born with which this concept is connected. Women with the inner core may not like to cause a lot of controversy, accusations against him, but what exactly - they are attractive, like a magnet. Life circumstances provoke them to make decisions, after which linked them trail of strong women.
It talked about heroines of fifteen directors in his film history, and Website offers them to see.
Frances Ha 2012
Frances Ha h3>
Sometimes it is necessary to do what needs to be done. Not always easy to get away from the problems, even if you have an easy character. But in no case can not stop dreaming. This is the story of the ups and downs of the New York dreamer, learn to make the right choices and become independent woman, which itself dictates the rules themselves, rather than flowing through life.
Inglish-vinglish 2012
English Vinglish h3>
The heroine of the film is not going to save the world from a universal evil, or to invent a cure for cancer, but it is strong enough to improve. The story of this woman is simple and ordinary, and the way out is quite trivial - only English language courses. But the heroine - a woman with a rod that can weed out all non-essential and concentrate on the essentials.
A Royal Affair 2012
En kongelig affære h3>
Queens are rarely lucky in love, especially if the King is more interested in nice young man than his own wife. And the administration of the state was not too worried. Because is patience, to get sensible allies and be happy. Unfortunately, life is not always favors the brave, and all love, but definitely worth the fight.
Gravity 2013
Gravity h3>
The loneliness and emptiness. How not to go crazy, being in the open space? Incredible story about the power of faith, endurance, and courage of one woman who was in a bind. Great game Sandra Bullock holds the viewer's attention the entire movie, making empathize with the situation and try for yourself. Not every man would be enough endurance to survive such circumstances.
Sils Maria, 2014
Clouds of Sils Maria h3>
Fading movie star Maria Enders receives an offer to play successfully, but naive, and no longer young careerists, fell in love with his young secretary. All anything, but only once at the beginning of his career, Maria played the role of the most fateful assistant. The new role is severely beat a self-assessment of the actress. How to move from one role to another, and have a new take yourself?
Still Alice, 2014
Still Alice h3>
How scary professor of linguistics at once wake up and realize that she forgets the words. Losing the names of loved ones and familiar names due to the rapidly progressing Alzheimer's disease, Alice still remembers that she happy man. Amazing film, which is certainly worth a look once again to remind myself that the value is every moment of life.
Ma Ma, 2015
Ma ma h3>
Learned? Yes, it is Penelope Cruz. In the movie "Ma Ma" actress played the role of a talented teacher and loving mother Magda, which collects all the forces to defeat the disease and regain the right to live and be happy.
Vanished, 2015
Gone Girl h3>
On the one hand, the mad, the other - loving. But where is the line between passion and madness? On the eve of the fifth anniversary of the marriage disappear hero of the occasion, leaving a chain of clues and riddles to her Blessed. Clever and resourceful woman often makes such surprise her husband. What awaits him this time?
The Age of Adaline, 2015
The Age of Adaline h3>
What is it - the favorite to go through? What is this - never to grow old, to forbid myself closer to the people and constantly move from place to place, that no one knows your secret? What is it - to see how the eyes of the only daughter is getting older, and know that she will go to another world before you? "The Age of Adaline" - soulful romantic movie, while still very beautiful.
A woman in a gold, 2015
Woman in Gold h3>
The main character (Helen Mirren) experienced in my life the pain and separation. But now it is trying to achieve justice, restoring the family picture of Gustav Klimt. This is the story of one woman's struggle with the whole state. The film about the values of the past, and that is to remember and honor.
Mad Max, 2015
Mad Max: Fury Road h3>
Although the film is a man's name, the main character - a woman. A woman in a post-apocalyptic world that has been able to succeed, and then actually raise the revolution. Gorgeous Charlize Theron brought to life the image of angry woman who is looking for his paradise, and save yourself from such an uneducated fanatical society. And though her eyes so much pain and suffering, and the hand is a metal prosthesis, she was still beautiful and feminine.
Suffragettes, 2015
Suffragette h3>
Suffragettes - it's not just extremist women stoned storefronts. This ordinary woman, a loving wife and mother, somebody's daughter. They care not only lofty questions of abstract equality, but also the problems that they face every day: the inability to protect themselves from sexual harassment at work and beatings at home less pay than men for the same work, the lack of rights own child.
Killer, 2015 h3> Sicario
A policewoman without fear or reproach accompanied by two rangers in the pursuit of drug traffickers. She is unaware of her impending danger, but even that would not stop it because it is responsible and determined in the fight for justice. Before the heroine of the choice is: talk about lawlessness in which she found herself, and be killed or else to accept and move on.
Joy, 2015
Joy h3>
But the premiere of the next film will have to wait a bit, but given the nature of the characters and what the actress sang these roles, we could not fail to mention them in this list. The basis of the script, "Joey" is the story of Joy Mangano, a single mother from Long Island, who invented samootzhimayuschuyusya miracle mop, disappointed in the usual. As a result, it has become one of the most successful businessmen of the country.
Dressmaker, 2015
The Dressmaker h3>
Glamorous woman returns to his hometown, where a child had gone after being accused of murder. Residents of the town at first did not accept it, but gradually she won thanks to the location of the local ladies wit and ability to tailor the perfect outfits. And, yes, gorgeous costumes, however, as the wonderful Kate Winslet.
via womo.com.ua/25-filmov-o-zhenshhinah-s-silnyim-harakterom/
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