Useful tips. Flew?
Ilf and Petrov still noticed a nice feature of our media to give useful advice. Remember "If you want to have a magnificent bust, sun'te it to the hive"? Something similar occurs with surprising regularity. I recently came across a council man fell out of an airplane without a parachute.
It is understandable concern for the near and concern for his fate. What is proposed?
Well, first of all, just fair warning - your chances are slim. But still. If you are in the air in three and a half kilometers from the earth (why 3, 5? They have all planned?), Then if you honestly spread out, you will be left as many as sixty seconds exciting flight with a top speed of 201 km / h.
First of all, turn over in the air, face down and find the look of any body of water (remember - you were in such a position is not in good faith and conscious choice, it will occasion. That is your training in aerial acrobatics somewhere on the level of "born to crawl "). If found - start planning in the direction of the pond. Fall into the water from a height - the pleasure is so-so, but still better than the firmament. Stipulate that would be better if you were skydiving skills (Lord, of course! The most popular sport!)
If the reservoir within sight not, get a stack of wood, in general, any object that can soften your fall and give you a chance. If you fall in the city or village, look for the truck, mobile home or something like that. Their skeletons are not as durable and also able to cushion the fall. (Recall Action movies as there is dashing through the roof or land without prejudice to breach the wall of bodies motels)
In general, as you can see, there are lots of tricks. One could, I think, to place this useful material in the form of pamphlets on chairs or handing liners together with all the documents on the fly. I think all passengers will be interesting to find a brief course of survival.