20 short useful tips for all occasions
Site hurry to share with you an amazing selection of which is to save bookmarks or Facebook! After all, it contains invaluable information that will be useful to everyone. < 1. Cheap often cheaper in the middle of the night
2. Sometimes taxi drivers ask passengers whether they local? Always answer "Yes", even if you are in this city for the first time. Seeing in front of a man who does not know the city, a rare taxi driver does not want to earn a little on you - and choose a longer route for which will have to pay more. To be safe, keep the route in advance through an application for smartphones.
3. Forget present in the store bonus card? If you have iPhone, open the application reminders, create reminders, and activate the option "Remind me of the place", and then select the desired geopozitsiyu). Once you find yourself near the shopping center, the smartphone will automatically remind you of cards.
4. Pay cash, not cards. Paper banknotes and steel, as opposed to the "electronic" money cards and wallets, it is tangible. You will be sorry to spend it, and as a result you will buy less diverse nonsense.
5. In addition, banks may take a fee for the service, if the terminal is not in the store provided by the bank-partner. The amount of the commission may be 20-30 rubles, moreover it is not written off on the day of purchase, and a few days later. If you look at the statement of his account, it is quite possible to find it such write-offs. We wording Website to check their accounts - and found.
6. has run out of razor blades? Take the old blade and sharpen it on ... old pair of jeans (denim). "Sharpening" is enough for one treatment - and possibly two.
7. If you want to make cheap wine really cool? Just pour it into a blender and "twist" for 20 seconds. This will soften the tannins present in the beverage and aeriruete (oxygenate) wine. Mmm!
8. Smiley on the check average increases tipping waitresses by 9% and reduces the tip for the waiter to 3%.
9. By the end of the day your feet are increasing at a rate of 5-10%. So you need to buy shoes in the evening rather than the morning.
10. You can not afford Microsoft Office? Download from the Internet Open Office. It functions in almost the same, and the price is zero.
11. If you want to repair the electronics yourself? Visit iFixIt.com. There, you can download detailed instructions for repairing almost any technology (including in Russian).
12. The old paint brush - as "wooden", and do not want to buy new? Soak them in vinegar for half an hour - and they will look like new.
13. Looking for a cheap auctions on eBay? Use the site FatFingers.com. It will forward you to the auction with the right products. Bids will not be there - because their owner made a mistake in the description of the goods, and no one can find this auction ... except you!
14. Girl shaving legs using a reducing agent for hair (air conditioning). It is much cheaper than shaving cream for women, and will make your legs really smooth.
15. Android users can download the application back for 2 hours, If for some reason they did not like it.
16. to leave the city and want to save electricity? Turn off all electrical appliances from the outlet, including a microwave oven, bread machine, and so on. N. The bill for electricity will be lower!
17. Before you use candles, hold them in the refrigerator. So they will burn longer.
18. Do not want to pay the fines for speeding? Move the seat back - so that barely reach the pedals. Transcend will not work at all desire.
19. has run penlight batteries? Will suit you and mizinchikovaya! Insert it into the device, and the gap between the "plus" and fill out the contact ball of thin foil.
20. Are you afraid to spend too much while shopping? Do not touch anything! Touching things creates between you and her psychological contact, and you are more likely to buy it.
21. The ability to play a musical instrument adds to your IQ just 7 points!
22. Five things you need to know before the flight:
The ticket is the best buy for 6-8 weeks prior to departure. According to statistics, a perfect day to buy - for 54 days; Buy tickets on Tuesdays and Thursdays, fly on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Saturdays; Sunday - the most "expensive" day for the flight ; The ticket prices vary up to three times per day; Reduced tickets are usually offered at the beginning of the week.
via polezner.ru/lajfhaki-dlya-zhizni-vy-pusk-2/
2. Sometimes taxi drivers ask passengers whether they local? Always answer "Yes", even if you are in this city for the first time. Seeing in front of a man who does not know the city, a rare taxi driver does not want to earn a little on you - and choose a longer route for which will have to pay more. To be safe, keep the route in advance through an application for smartphones.
3. Forget present in the store bonus card? If you have iPhone, open the application reminders, create reminders, and activate the option "Remind me of the place", and then select the desired geopozitsiyu). Once you find yourself near the shopping center, the smartphone will automatically remind you of cards.
4. Pay cash, not cards. Paper banknotes and steel, as opposed to the "electronic" money cards and wallets, it is tangible. You will be sorry to spend it, and as a result you will buy less diverse nonsense.
5. In addition, banks may take a fee for the service, if the terminal is not in the store provided by the bank-partner. The amount of the commission may be 20-30 rubles, moreover it is not written off on the day of purchase, and a few days later. If you look at the statement of his account, it is quite possible to find it such write-offs. We wording Website to check their accounts - and found.

6. has run out of razor blades? Take the old blade and sharpen it on ... old pair of jeans (denim). "Sharpening" is enough for one treatment - and possibly two.
7. If you want to make cheap wine really cool? Just pour it into a blender and "twist" for 20 seconds. This will soften the tannins present in the beverage and aeriruete (oxygenate) wine. Mmm!
8. Smiley on the check average increases tipping waitresses by 9% and reduces the tip for the waiter to 3%.
9. By the end of the day your feet are increasing at a rate of 5-10%. So you need to buy shoes in the evening rather than the morning.
10. You can not afford Microsoft Office? Download from the Internet Open Office. It functions in almost the same, and the price is zero.
11. If you want to repair the electronics yourself? Visit iFixIt.com. There, you can download detailed instructions for repairing almost any technology (including in Russian).

12. The old paint brush - as "wooden", and do not want to buy new? Soak them in vinegar for half an hour - and they will look like new.
13. Looking for a cheap auctions on eBay? Use the site FatFingers.com. It will forward you to the auction with the right products. Bids will not be there - because their owner made a mistake in the description of the goods, and no one can find this auction ... except you!
14. Girl shaving legs using a reducing agent for hair (air conditioning). It is much cheaper than shaving cream for women, and will make your legs really smooth.
15. Android users can download the application back for 2 hours, If for some reason they did not like it.
16. to leave the city and want to save electricity? Turn off all electrical appliances from the outlet, including a microwave oven, bread machine, and so on. N. The bill for electricity will be lower!

17. Before you use candles, hold them in the refrigerator. So they will burn longer.
18. Do not want to pay the fines for speeding? Move the seat back - so that barely reach the pedals. Transcend will not work at all desire.
19. has run penlight batteries? Will suit you and mizinchikovaya! Insert it into the device, and the gap between the "plus" and fill out the contact ball of thin foil.
20. Are you afraid to spend too much while shopping? Do not touch anything! Touching things creates between you and her psychological contact, and you are more likely to buy it.
21. The ability to play a musical instrument adds to your IQ just 7 points!
22. Five things you need to know before the flight:
The ticket is the best buy for 6-8 weeks prior to departure. According to statistics, a perfect day to buy - for 54 days; Buy tickets on Tuesdays and Thursdays, fly on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Saturdays; Sunday - the most "expensive" day for the flight ; The ticket prices vary up to three times per day; Reduced tickets are usually offered at the beginning of the week.
via polezner.ru/lajfhaki-dlya-zhizni-vy-pusk-2/