5 facts about sugar that food manufacturers are trying to hide
This we know from childhood: a lot of sweet - it is impossible. Our ancestors did not know how to obtain refined sugar, and the body of modern man is still not protected from its devastating effects on everything from teeth and ending schitovidkoy.Tem Still, even the most vigilant followers of healthy lifestyle every day continues to exceed the daily rate of consumption of glucose . The reason for that - invisible sweeteners contained in most of the foods.
Website shares tips on what the name on the label should be a stop signal when buying and why.
1. The Phantom Menace h2> According to statistics, the sugar added 74% of all finished products that are on the shelves
2. How will it be in Russian? H2> To bring down vigilant buyers confused, manufacturers use a minimum of 61 synonym for the word "sugar" on the labels of products
3. Feint h2> One of the main sugar substitutes, which inspires trust almost anyone - fructose. Despite the innocuous name is associated with useful fruits, fructose has on the liver, almost the same effect as alcohol: it destroys and causes disease.
4. Great Race h2> The allegation that sugar helps to cope with a bad mood, not true. Quick effect of chocolate or cookies, whether the energy charge or an attack of euphoria associated with elevated blood insulin levels, which was always followed by a sharp decline: in fact as a result of sugar drops below the norm, leading to dizziness, apathy, fatigue, nausea, severe irritability and entails other symptoms of hypoglycemia.
5. Mathematical analysis h2> Just one soft drink a day increases the likelihood of death from diseases of the cardiovascular system by about a third. The reason is obvious: very high sugar content. For example, half a liter of cola contains sugar, equivalent to about 16 teaspoons.

Website shares tips on what the name on the label should be a stop signal when buying and why.
1. The Phantom Menace h2> According to statistics, the sugar added 74% of all finished products that are on the shelves
But when you consider snacking at work, at dinner desserts and sweet yogurt for breakfast, the real figure would be truly frightening: On average, every Russian citizen consumes a total of between 100 and 140 grams of sugar per day. Follow your diet throughout the day, carefully writing down all the sugar contained in the food. Most likely, the result is unpleasant surprise.
2. How will it be in Russian? H2> To bring down vigilant buyers confused, manufacturers use a minimum of 61 synonym for the word "sugar" on the labels of products
3. Feint h2> One of the main sugar substitutes, which inspires trust almost anyone - fructose. Despite the innocuous name is associated with useful fruits, fructose has on the liver, almost the same effect as alcohol: it destroys and causes disease.
4. Great Race h2> The allegation that sugar helps to cope with a bad mood, not true. Quick effect of chocolate or cookies, whether the energy charge or an attack of euphoria associated with elevated blood insulin levels, which was always followed by a sharp decline: in fact as a result of sugar drops below the norm, leading to dizziness, apathy, fatigue, nausea, severe irritability and entails other symptoms of hypoglycemia.
5. Mathematical analysis h2> Just one soft drink a day increases the likelihood of death from diseases of the cardiovascular system by about a third. The reason is obvious: very high sugar content. For example, half a liter of cola contains sugar, equivalent to about 16 teaspoons.
Website reminiscent of one of these items can be the cause of poor health or problems with getting rid of the extra kilos. It should start to closely monitor the amount eaten sweet and competently to limit the amount of sugary foods and desserts. Do not let the producers to make money on your health! It is also suggested to share this article with your friends, to raise awareness.
via www.elle.ru/stil-zhizni/food/5-faktov-o-sahare-kotoryie-vyi-ranshe-ne-znali/
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