On the quality of American food
Read the post in time to throw fresh immigrant, admire price and quality of US products (OMG !!! natural orange juice for 2 bucks !!!!) and the hand automatically reached for the face.
The entire food industry is working hard to not give us the ability to control what we eat. To the naive violets ate and benefit from this deep moral satisfaction. A their bosses, maybe drunk bought cheaply what some shit last week and now their task - to feed it to the consumer, bypassing campaign merssskoe requirement to the product ingredients, from which they were made. Let's start with the first "secret ingredient».
Will be 17 photos + text.
Newspapers - awesome thing. And awesome - their absence, when everything can be read on a computer tablet, on the phone or even in an advanced coffee maker. It's no secret that the Internet topple it the whole newspaper industry. Taking concomitant - the production of paper. In which huge amounts of money have been invested and which involved a lot of people.
- But what does that have to grub?
- Who will tell.
Where does all the pulp produced in nemerenoe number? I explain - it fed us. Bagels choked yet?
Bagels from cellulose? I'll take two!
It is doing everything. The syrup for pancakes from Aunt Jemima? Cellulose. Pastries Pillsbury? Cellulose. Bagels from Kraft's? Cellulose. Breakfasts from Sara Lee? Cellulose. Obschepitovsky cheese burgers? Cellulose. Cellulose, cellulose, cellulose fucking everywhere.
Cellulose proved excellent filler, and producers happy to replace it unnecessary and expensive meal and oil. Cellulose is a third cheaper, it is edible and non-toxic. And the FDA is not eager to somehow restrict its use, to be exact - to limit its maximum content in foods. It is everywhere, even in organic food. In the end, with some exaggeration - this is a common organic. But this is - not the food, it's a filler that does not have by and large no nutritional value. In this dignity will appreciate unless dieters beavers.
The number of trees in this bread is roughly comparable to the amount of wood in a cutting board.
Immediately - a very useful drink call anyone? Orange juice, say most. He even recommended to drink to prevent colds. Right medicine. And packaging large bukvani written - 100% natural !!! Not from concentrate !!! Without added sugar !!!
at least 4 drops in a bucket
And why should this not to believe? This is not a sausage of toilet paper bodyazhit. It's simple - take the orange is taken, the tax agent who is able to squeeze out of an orange every last drop. The result is poured into suitable containers and arrives on store shelves. Something like this ... except, perhaps, a tax agent. Is not it?
What about the fact that "fruit juice" may be a year ago, and gone through the process, from which Dr. Frankenstein's hair stand on end?
The casting plant Tropicana brand. Missing color - orange.
I never noticed that each package juice tastes absolutely identical to another (slightly different from competing brands)? Always, at any time of the year. Despite statements by the absence of additives and preservatives.
The process really begins with squeezing juice from oranges. But it is - the first and last part of the normal process. After pressing, the juice flows into the giant tanks where oxygen is pumped out. This allows you to keep up the juice vpolot year. And that's why orange juice is in stores year-round, regardless of season.
Posted in [mergetime] 1389264293 [/ mergetime]
Thank you Tropicana for screwdriver year round
In the process, there is only one drawback (from the point of view of the manufacturer) - it kills the taste. From the word at all. All that remains - this vintage watery fruit puree flavored paper. What is left to the manufacturer to do? Elementary! Make the desired taste of the liquid so-called "flavor package» (flavor pack), which produce the same chemical companies that develop your smell deodorants and perfumes. Then reviving liquid flavored bottled in containers of paper and into the shops.
And because of gaps in legislation - they do not even have to mention this on the packaging.
Ammonia burgers
Posted in [mergetime] 1389264382 [/ mergetime]
All restaurants selling hamburgers are tripping over themselves to convince us of the purity and naturalness of their burgers. For example McDonalds ("All our burgers are made from 100% beef supplied farms approved left sharaga according farms supplying beef to McDonald's") or Taco Bell (as well as all US beef, our beef comes farms certified by the Department of Agriculture and passes our internal inspection), who are willing to sign the naturalness of the processed piece of meat each. Their enthusiasm to confirm the quality and purity of the meat gives the impression that it is a minimum of filet mignon.
Elite dish!
Posted in [mergetime] 1389264433 [/ mergetime]
And in general, except in really rare cases of E. coli contamination of meat, the meat is really clean. The problem is, how it is cleaned.
Ammonia. The one who is part of fertilizers and cleaning toilets. E. coli it really kills the great and hamsters generally breaks into pieces. So the process has been invented in which patties are passed through the tube, wherein the showering with gaseous ammonia. This one has no clue, except in rare cases, when the stuffing really stinks ammonia so that the customer returns the purchased product.
The process of the invention is ammiachenya Beef Products inc.dlya sanitization cheapest entrails of animals used in the stuffing instead of expensive sirloin, competitors used (and which according to the approved caterers we supposedly still consume and, yeah). Eventually, the demand for products Beef products has led to the fact that they supplied 70% of hamburgers. Thank ammonia.
Fake Berries
Imagine a muffin with blueberries.
Even though the above obtained information about the content of cellulose therein, to crush hard salivating. Cellulose is neutral - fic with it. But berries - the quintessence of healthy eating to such an extent that they simply do not have the moral right to be so delicious.
If you think that blueberries are added to a number of products - it becomes an amazing lack of blueberry plantations everywhere.
The problem is that because of the use of the same way you blueberry, only a negligible part of it came from the plantations. If all entered.
Research products "containing blueberry" showed that in nature there is no such blueberries kakklass. We come across in the cupcakes are tasty and juicy berries - is completely and 100% artificial. Manufactured using various combinations of syrup, starch, thickeners, food colors and "identical to natural" flavors, which contain the names of a bunch of random letters and numbers.
Scammers in the law works perfectly, you need to be a chemist to them than ever catch. In a sense, it can be guessed by looking at the composition of the product, but manufacturers like rattling misleading terms such as "blueberry cake" and so on. Nothing says "yum" louder dyes, Artwork petrochemicals.
The difference between real and fake berries, of course, enormous. Fake can be kept much longer, and much cheaper than natural for both the producer and the buyer in the end. But the fact that they, unlike the present, there is absolutely nothing good for your health. That does not prevent manufacturers to ride the horse Berries are good for health, to stick a label on photos of real berries and write slogans on the packaging of the benefits of blueberries, despite the virtual absence of blueberries in the product.
The good news - the law makers are required to indicate on what blueberries - not real. The bad news - the law is silent as to what exactly the form of information should be conveyed to consumers and producers come off in full. For example, bilberry cereal from Kellogg:
Despite three berries in the box, the manufacturer does not hide the fact that the product looks like a not particularly camouflaged cellulose briquettes, daubed places minced Smurfs.
Betty Crocker Target or use a different path. They add a trace amount of natural blueberry in their products, giving them a legal right to advertise "natural flavor" and other nishtyaki natural berries, using for the most part artificial.
Or you can just go through "all go to hell," which went to General Mills, releasing flakes Total Blueberry Pomegranate. The whole idea of sounding name, from which all their marketing department received a collective orgasm, ostensibly revolves around the fact that the cereals added tueva hucha blueberry and granatov.Na fact, their whole blueberries is 100% false, and you do not want to know from the What makes them "grenades."
Free range chicken - chicken grazing freely
Buying eggs from "free chicken" - the best way to feel the responsibility of the buyer - the eggs are in each shop and are not fundamentally expensive produced by giant corporations and evil kuronenavistnicheskimi a prison. Given etogo, there is no point in buying "regular" eggs only "free" hens. However, no one is sure what it means. Everyone is sure that the animals have to live in adequate conditions - the freer the better. So why not encourage farmers who understand freedom and to buy meat "free" hens, cows and so on.
By law, the meat (!) Bird has nothing more than to have access "to the street", so it can be yarlychit as "free." Uh ... ok, with eggs, then we fly by definition, plus it's not exactly the freedom that we imagined. Nevertheless, better than nothing. With access to the outside, and all affairs ...
Actually ... words can be loud, and does not mean anything. In the original meaning of "free» (free range) means no fences and other restrictions on movement. And the subconscious mind is a picture and draws. Free chicken, riding a little horse wearing a little cowboy hats and lay eggs in the process of freedom. In the background plays the banjo ... Although ... with all responsibility declare - free chickens prefer Bogdan Titomir
In reality, with the exception of meat chickens, free range, the term does not mean anything. By law, your chocolate Snickers can be "free grazing».
Simply industry knows how much we are happy to hear about the magic mantra of free grazing and uses it in the tail and mane. And similar to chicken farms live exactly the same prison. Only instead of cameras, is serving his sentence in the shared shower.
Posted in [mergetime] 1389264851 [/ mergetime]
Hooray! Freedom!
Slowly but surely, people are starting to include the brain and learn about the realities relating to the "free grazing." Moreover, manufacturers of calling a lie too far from time to time sent to jail. However, so far nothing has changed e. Moreover, from the 1st January 2012 the European Union banned the eggs of hens living in cages. Guess what the egg came to replace them?
Lies about the usefulness of the product for the health
Posted in [mergetime] 1389264885 [/ mergetime]
Nuts, reducing the risk of heart disease. Yogurt, improves digestion and boosts immunity. Baby food, protecting your child from atypical dermatitis ... whatever it was. Such products can now be found everywhere and honestly - why not buy them? We eat a horseradish yogurt, why not do it with health benefits?
One can only wonder where all these magically appeared medicinal products. Yesterday, it was the usual nuts and today to a heart attack, diabetes ... Looks like here in some Health Research Institute had a fucking productive day.
Or all at once nai ... uh ... tricked.
Mr. Walnut can not lie !!!
In fact, the vast majority of products alleged kkoy any healing effect is related to the ancient art of outright lies. The healing effect of any "miracle yogurt" is broken to smithereens medical students. But why manufacturers continue to lie so blatantly?
It all began in 2002 when a bunch of mediocre food suddenly gained superpowers. FDA, the organization that regulates these issues, proposed a new category of lies concerning pre-approved statements regarding food. They were called "qualified statements about the health benefits» (qualified health claims). Another sheet of pure marketing bullshit that marketers can use if their products meet certain criteria. Nothing conceptually new - another lobbying feint ears. New there was just no need for a consensus on the part of scientists, with a statement about a particular health benefits.
In plain English, no need for a consensus means that enough to pay the loser in Vegas man in a white coat, which will confirm that your food has become a magic and it is possible to believe in the word, regardless of other opinions. And manufacturers suffered.
Each pocket were "scientists" who claim in their publications exactly what they need to promote a "friendly" products.
I'm not saying that all statements about the therapeutic properties of a zhoreva - lies. They certainly have enough. However, it is virtually impossible to identify in an avalanche completely delusional (and legal) claims. Manufacturers grub, may be enough to lie, huh? What a difference to you, we still eat it, no matter what was written on the box. Eventually, people even smoke free! :)
Posted in [mergetime] 1389265030 [/ mergetime]
© Menagerie
The entire food industry is working hard to not give us the ability to control what we eat. To the naive violets ate and benefit from this deep moral satisfaction. A their bosses, maybe drunk bought cheaply what some shit last week and now their task - to feed it to the consumer, bypassing campaign merssskoe requirement to the product ingredients, from which they were made. Let's start with the first "secret ingredient».
Will be 17 photos + text.

Newspapers - awesome thing. And awesome - their absence, when everything can be read on a computer tablet, on the phone or even in an advanced coffee maker. It's no secret that the Internet topple it the whole newspaper industry. Taking concomitant - the production of paper. In which huge amounts of money have been invested and which involved a lot of people.
- But what does that have to grub?
- Who will tell.
Where does all the pulp produced in nemerenoe number? I explain - it fed us. Bagels choked yet?
Bagels from cellulose? I'll take two!
It is doing everything. The syrup for pancakes from Aunt Jemima? Cellulose. Pastries Pillsbury? Cellulose. Bagels from Kraft's? Cellulose. Breakfasts from Sara Lee? Cellulose. Obschepitovsky cheese burgers? Cellulose. Cellulose, cellulose, cellulose fucking everywhere.
Cellulose proved excellent filler, and producers happy to replace it unnecessary and expensive meal and oil. Cellulose is a third cheaper, it is edible and non-toxic. And the FDA is not eager to somehow restrict its use, to be exact - to limit its maximum content in foods. It is everywhere, even in organic food. In the end, with some exaggeration - this is a common organic. But this is - not the food, it's a filler that does not have by and large no nutritional value. In this dignity will appreciate unless dieters beavers.

The number of trees in this bread is roughly comparable to the amount of wood in a cutting board.
Immediately - a very useful drink call anyone? Orange juice, say most. He even recommended to drink to prevent colds. Right medicine. And packaging large bukvani written - 100% natural !!! Not from concentrate !!! Without added sugar !!!
at least 4 drops in a bucket
And why should this not to believe? This is not a sausage of toilet paper bodyazhit. It's simple - take the orange is taken, the tax agent who is able to squeeze out of an orange every last drop. The result is poured into suitable containers and arrives on store shelves. Something like this ... except, perhaps, a tax agent. Is not it?
What about the fact that "fruit juice" may be a year ago, and gone through the process, from which Dr. Frankenstein's hair stand on end?

The casting plant Tropicana brand. Missing color - orange.
I never noticed that each package juice tastes absolutely identical to another (slightly different from competing brands)? Always, at any time of the year. Despite statements by the absence of additives and preservatives.
The process really begins with squeezing juice from oranges. But it is - the first and last part of the normal process. After pressing, the juice flows into the giant tanks where oxygen is pumped out. This allows you to keep up the juice vpolot year. And that's why orange juice is in stores year-round, regardless of season.
Posted in [mergetime] 1389264293 [/ mergetime]
Thank you Tropicana for screwdriver year round
In the process, there is only one drawback (from the point of view of the manufacturer) - it kills the taste. From the word at all. All that remains - this vintage watery fruit puree flavored paper. What is left to the manufacturer to do? Elementary! Make the desired taste of the liquid so-called "flavor package» (flavor pack), which produce the same chemical companies that develop your smell deodorants and perfumes. Then reviving liquid flavored bottled in containers of paper and into the shops.
And because of gaps in legislation - they do not even have to mention this on the packaging.

Ammonia burgers
Posted in [mergetime] 1389264382 [/ mergetime]
All restaurants selling hamburgers are tripping over themselves to convince us of the purity and naturalness of their burgers. For example McDonalds ("All our burgers are made from 100% beef supplied farms approved left sharaga according farms supplying beef to McDonald's") or Taco Bell (as well as all US beef, our beef comes farms certified by the Department of Agriculture and passes our internal inspection), who are willing to sign the naturalness of the processed piece of meat each. Their enthusiasm to confirm the quality and purity of the meat gives the impression that it is a minimum of filet mignon.

Elite dish!
Posted in [mergetime] 1389264433 [/ mergetime]
And in general, except in really rare cases of E. coli contamination of meat, the meat is really clean. The problem is, how it is cleaned.
Ammonia. The one who is part of fertilizers and cleaning toilets. E. coli it really kills the great and hamsters generally breaks into pieces. So the process has been invented in which patties are passed through the tube, wherein the showering with gaseous ammonia. This one has no clue, except in rare cases, when the stuffing really stinks ammonia so that the customer returns the purchased product.

The process of the invention is ammiachenya Beef Products inc.dlya sanitization cheapest entrails of animals used in the stuffing instead of expensive sirloin, competitors used (and which according to the approved caterers we supposedly still consume and, yeah). Eventually, the demand for products Beef products has led to the fact that they supplied 70% of hamburgers. Thank ammonia.

Fake Berries

Imagine a muffin with blueberries.

Even though the above obtained information about the content of cellulose therein, to crush hard salivating. Cellulose is neutral - fic with it. But berries - the quintessence of healthy eating to such an extent that they simply do not have the moral right to be so delicious.
If you think that blueberries are added to a number of products - it becomes an amazing lack of blueberry plantations everywhere.
The problem is that because of the use of the same way you blueberry, only a negligible part of it came from the plantations. If all entered.
Research products "containing blueberry" showed that in nature there is no such blueberries kakklass. We come across in the cupcakes are tasty and juicy berries - is completely and 100% artificial. Manufactured using various combinations of syrup, starch, thickeners, food colors and "identical to natural" flavors, which contain the names of a bunch of random letters and numbers.
Scammers in the law works perfectly, you need to be a chemist to them than ever catch. In a sense, it can be guessed by looking at the composition of the product, but manufacturers like rattling misleading terms such as "blueberry cake" and so on. Nothing says "yum" louder dyes, Artwork petrochemicals.
The difference between real and fake berries, of course, enormous. Fake can be kept much longer, and much cheaper than natural for both the producer and the buyer in the end. But the fact that they, unlike the present, there is absolutely nothing good for your health. That does not prevent manufacturers to ride the horse Berries are good for health, to stick a label on photos of real berries and write slogans on the packaging of the benefits of blueberries, despite the virtual absence of blueberries in the product.

The good news - the law makers are required to indicate on what blueberries - not real. The bad news - the law is silent as to what exactly the form of information should be conveyed to consumers and producers come off in full. For example, bilberry cereal from Kellogg:

Despite three berries in the box, the manufacturer does not hide the fact that the product looks like a not particularly camouflaged cellulose briquettes, daubed places minced Smurfs.
Betty Crocker Target or use a different path. They add a trace amount of natural blueberry in their products, giving them a legal right to advertise "natural flavor" and other nishtyaki natural berries, using for the most part artificial.

Or you can just go through "all go to hell," which went to General Mills, releasing flakes Total Blueberry Pomegranate. The whole idea of sounding name, from which all their marketing department received a collective orgasm, ostensibly revolves around the fact that the cereals added tueva hucha blueberry and granatov.Na fact, their whole blueberries is 100% false, and you do not want to know from the What makes them "grenades."

Free range chicken - chicken grazing freely

Buying eggs from "free chicken" - the best way to feel the responsibility of the buyer - the eggs are in each shop and are not fundamentally expensive produced by giant corporations and evil kuronenavistnicheskimi a prison. Given etogo, there is no point in buying "regular" eggs only "free" hens. However, no one is sure what it means. Everyone is sure that the animals have to live in adequate conditions - the freer the better. So why not encourage farmers who understand freedom and to buy meat "free" hens, cows and so on.
By law, the meat (!) Bird has nothing more than to have access "to the street", so it can be yarlychit as "free." Uh ... ok, with eggs, then we fly by definition, plus it's not exactly the freedom that we imagined. Nevertheless, better than nothing. With access to the outside, and all affairs ...
Actually ... words can be loud, and does not mean anything. In the original meaning of "free» (free range) means no fences and other restrictions on movement. And the subconscious mind is a picture and draws. Free chicken, riding a little horse wearing a little cowboy hats and lay eggs in the process of freedom. In the background plays the banjo ... Although ... with all responsibility declare - free chickens prefer Bogdan Titomir
In reality, with the exception of meat chickens, free range, the term does not mean anything. By law, your chocolate Snickers can be "free grazing».
Simply industry knows how much we are happy to hear about the magic mantra of free grazing and uses it in the tail and mane. And similar to chicken farms live exactly the same prison. Only instead of cameras, is serving his sentence in the shared shower.
Posted in [mergetime] 1389264851 [/ mergetime]
Hooray! Freedom!
Slowly but surely, people are starting to include the brain and learn about the realities relating to the "free grazing." Moreover, manufacturers of calling a lie too far from time to time sent to jail. However, so far nothing has changed e. Moreover, from the 1st January 2012 the European Union banned the eggs of hens living in cages. Guess what the egg came to replace them?

Lies about the usefulness of the product for the health
Posted in [mergetime] 1389264885 [/ mergetime]
Nuts, reducing the risk of heart disease. Yogurt, improves digestion and boosts immunity. Baby food, protecting your child from atypical dermatitis ... whatever it was. Such products can now be found everywhere and honestly - why not buy them? We eat a horseradish yogurt, why not do it with health benefits?

One can only wonder where all these magically appeared medicinal products. Yesterday, it was the usual nuts and today to a heart attack, diabetes ... Looks like here in some Health Research Institute had a fucking productive day.
Or all at once nai ... uh ... tricked.

Mr. Walnut can not lie !!!
In fact, the vast majority of products alleged kkoy any healing effect is related to the ancient art of outright lies. The healing effect of any "miracle yogurt" is broken to smithereens medical students. But why manufacturers continue to lie so blatantly?
It all began in 2002 when a bunch of mediocre food suddenly gained superpowers. FDA, the organization that regulates these issues, proposed a new category of lies concerning pre-approved statements regarding food. They were called "qualified statements about the health benefits» (qualified health claims). Another sheet of pure marketing bullshit that marketers can use if their products meet certain criteria. Nothing conceptually new - another lobbying feint ears. New there was just no need for a consensus on the part of scientists, with a statement about a particular health benefits.
In plain English, no need for a consensus means that enough to pay the loser in Vegas man in a white coat, which will confirm that your food has become a magic and it is possible to believe in the word, regardless of other opinions. And manufacturers suffered.
Each pocket were "scientists" who claim in their publications exactly what they need to promote a "friendly" products.
I'm not saying that all statements about the therapeutic properties of a zhoreva - lies. They certainly have enough. However, it is virtually impossible to identify in an avalanche completely delusional (and legal) claims. Manufacturers grub, may be enough to lie, huh? What a difference to you, we still eat it, no matter what was written on the box. Eventually, people even smoke free! :)
Posted in [mergetime] 1389265030 [/ mergetime]
© Menagerie