Strange things that we have found in space lately
Literally every month, astronomers from around the world are finding something new that can not yet be explained by modern science. The site publishes a list of strange cosmic phenomena that astronomers have noticed lately.
1. Boomerang Nebula h2>
2. R136a1 h2>
3. The oldest black hole h2>
4. HD 189733b h2>
5. Galaxy X h2>
6. Cloud Smith h2>
7. Planet Hermit h2>
8. Asteroid Kruitni h2>
9. Black Widow Pulsar h2>
10. Cluster of galaxies El Gordo h2>
1. Boomerang Nebula h2>
The temperature at -272 ° C makes the Boomerang Nebula is the coldest place in the universe. The reason for that - the constant expansion of the nebula at a speed of 367,000 miles per hour, which, for a moment, about 10 times faster than the fastest man-made vehicle has an object in the universe, the machine New Horizons.
2. R136a1 h2>
This star is 256 times more massive than our Sun shines 7, 4 million times brighter. In other words, it's just a giant. Scientists believe that the object R136a1 formed of several other stars, but still can not understand why he was there for so long.
3. The oldest black hole h2>
The object of J0100 + 2802 can be considered the oldest black hole in the galaxy. When the universe was only 875 million, this hole has been formed of 12 billion suns. For comparison, the black hole at the center of the Milky Way has dimensions of just 5 million Suns.
4. HD 189733b h2>
Blue hue of the planet can remind you of the world ocean, or a nice summer day. But do not be deceived: this huge gas giant rotates at the lowest orbit is very close to its star. There is no water, and it never will be. Temperature - 900 degrees Celsius, and the blue sky - a rain of molten glass.
5. Galaxy X h2>
Galaxy X, Indian astronomers detected almost entirely consists of mysterious dark matter. Saw her was only due to the influence of the surrounding galaxy stars. Scientists suggest that in front of them - the beginning of the creation of the biggest black hole in the universe.
6. Cloud Smith h2>
A giant cloud of gas a few million times the mass of our sun. And, in contrast, cloud Smith rushes to the side of the Milky Way. 70 million years ago, it has already faced our galaxy. After 30 million years, astronomers are predicting a new collision, but no one knows where it will lead.
7. Planet Hermit h2>
Age recently discovered by astronomers lonely planet - only 70 million years. It is fairly close to our galaxy. Rather, the object CFBDSIR2149 was thrown out of his home and now ekes out a hermit existence.
8. Asteroid Kruitni h2>
Kruitni - a rare phenomenon, the occurrence of which still can not explain the astronomers. This near-Earth asteroids, regularly flying dangerously close distance from our planet. He moves in orbital resonance with the Earth and, in theory, it would hit a few million years. Dimensions Kruitni will, most likely, to the death of all living things.
9. Black Widow Pulsar h2>
A neutron star is the explosion of a massive star called a pulsar. Black Widow Pulsar millisecond, radiating to the same gamma-rays. It literally devours rotates with a small planet.
10. Cluster of galaxies El Gordo h2>
In such a vast place, what is our universe, there is a lot of very very strange things. One of the phenomena - a giant cluster of galaxies El Gordo. It is 9, 7 billion light-years away. It contains about 3, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000 (three million billion stars). The chance of finding extraterrestrial life here is very large.
via dnpmag.com/2015/09/02/10-samyx-strannyx-veshhej-iz-nashej-vselennoj/
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