70 stunned facts about London and the UK
Writes our reader Andrei Serdyuk: Here I write mostly about London, where I live, but it is very much important for the whole of the UK and the UK in particular.
blockquote> 1. In England, traditionally distributed individual taps for hot and cold water. It's not very comfortable, but why it is accepted - I do not know.
2. The majority of Britons consider themselves British, while the Scots - only the Scots and Irish - exclusively Irish.
3. Accents, depending on the part of the United Kingdom and even parts of the city (London, for example) vary considerably. Sometimes also by the degree of class privilege.
4. The English - wildly cold-resistant people, the children go to school in short pants and skirts with a golf up to the cold, so to see a man in a vest in November - a normal phenomenon.
5. They really love pubs. Every Friday you will find a huge crowd, drinking beer and a traditional ale in pubs, where people will stand even in the street in the cold if they do not have enough space.
6. in London are all very close and compact, mostly small apartments, as well as cafes and restaurants.
7. Because of the compactness of the table you can plant someone, if you sit at a table for four, and you have only two.
8. Sometimes it seems that the British love the crowd. In the pubs is so many people that think that you can "stand" only with bent legs. At the same time it does not stop new visitors.
9. Even if your English is very far from perfect, they'll tell you, what you say is good. In the case of objection adding that their Russian in any case worse.
10. at the local supermarket just darkness ready meals for every taste, which should be consumed within a few days of purchase. There you can find Chinese and Indian and English and all other kitchen.
11. A taxi is incredible, legendary expensive, but it can be stopped absolutely everywhere and anytime.
12. In London, a huge and developed underground, it reaches all corners of the city, including the airport, and incredibly integrated with the stations.
13. The fare depends on what's what in the "zone" of the city you are traveling. Center - zone 1, a total of 6, if I remember correctly. Rates vary widely depending on the distance.
14. All over the city you can find stations with bicycles. Using a credit card can be rented for a certain period. This wildly convenient.
15. In contrast to Moscow, in London a little sushi bars, but generally varied cuisine. A lot of Indian restaurants.
16. The total number of restaurants is huge.
17. absolutely anywhere in the laundry room can be found, as the home to wash shirts and tank tops are not accepted at all.
18. Many British as nannies baliyki act secretly and Filipina. Sometimes they barely speak in English, and how to understand their children - a mystery to me until now.
19. If you say that in Russia, the first question you will be asked of you in Moscow or not.
20. Even in the city center you can find stalls and tiny shops selling Pakistanis and Indians are different left-branded clothes.
21. Every weekend morning on many squares and public gardens are formed Fair farm and homemade food after 13.00 them with fire will not find.
22. By the way, no one will understand the time 15.00, only 3 pm. Our system is only used to indicate the direction of the army, such as "the enemy at 16.00».
23. Many Englishmen are proud of their army and the fact that possession of nuclear weapons.
24. Almost always when you make a service, replenishment of accounts, and so on. d. only talk to Phone dialers. Live voice is not heard.
25. Many Englishmen were in Paris only once or not at all visited, although by train from central London to central Paris journey takes only 2 hours.
26. almost all pubs from eating only traditional dishes: potatoes with fish, mashed potatoes with sausages and, at best, burgers.
27. Meet the man in broad daylight in a tuxedo (dinner suit in English, suit for dinner) - absolutely fine.
28. In the center there is no shopping center in our understanding. This is a purely American theme, everything is segmented.
29. Without a bank card to make much impossible.
30. When you tell about our policy, many are surprised by how much we know about it. English pretty little interest in such things.
31. Almost every Londoner house at least 400 channels in HD with features include subtitles, rewinding and recording gear.
32. There are no Cinemas, which is everything. Typically, each showing only certain films, such as retro or comedy. Or retro-comedy.
33. In the London underground there is a special place for musicians, with a very good, they can earn.
34. In addition to the giants such as MacDonald's, Burger King and KFC, are very common in the UK local network with different types of sandwiches and other products, mainly not heated.
35. The British apologize for any reason, even if nothing serious is not done. For example, if a person stands before leaving the store and noticed your momentary confusion on this issue - he apologized.
36. Home can order almost everything: food, alcohol, and even a hookah.
37. Cashiers can tell you so much about 4-7 times during a single purchase.
38. If you hear playing British classics like The Beatles, Pink Floyd or Led Zeppelin - once you grow up in the eyes of local and go to the next level of communication.
39. Sometimes on the streets can be found just a huge aunts. Frankly, I'm afraid of.
40. English humor really is very svoebrazny.
41. Local laws require pubs to clean up the surrounding area by the street cleaners always avoid them.
42. Sign in almost all the major museums in the country is absolutely free. You decide how many are willing to sacrifice the museum.
43. I've never seen homeless animals. It is unlikely that they are euthanized, rather, castrated and kept in special nurseries.
44. No grocery store does not work after 21-22 pm.
45. Many of the customs and different signs in different parts of the United Kingdom (Great Britain, Scotland, Ireland and Wales).
46. on almost any product from the supermarket and fast food is a big inscription "Grown in the UK».
47. You can find a club for every taste. There are those, where it plays a very tough electronic music, while it will be two-three rooms with different directions. People so much that sometimes get really difficult.
48. In the subway passengers are always left to read the newspaper. Newcomers take them and also read. Thus, the newspaper of the day, I was not one owner.
49. Hookah's not very popular. You can find a few institutions concentrated in the Arab quarter. This hookah smoking is also prohibited in the rooms, but there are heaters on the street, and people smoking throughout the year. If you want, you can find a place where to do inside, but warned that will be taken if the cops come.
50. Unlike most other Europeans, the British gladly go to visit. Although in order to invite you, you should pass some time.
51. Estate agents always want to trick you by using your ignorance of local laws.
52. If something significant order home (furniture, carpet, appliances), it's just hell. In new houses still takes concierge. But if not, then never tell the exact time of delivery. Usually something like 2 to 9 pm. It calls for 30 minutes, so very far from home do not go out.
53. Because of this delivery system all the neighbors insure each other and take the goods for you if they are at home.
54. The average annual rainfall is 584 mm, which is less than in Rome or Sydney. So the eternal rains London - a myth.
55. Almost everyone carrying an umbrella, because rain can begin suddenly. But usually it is short-lived and quickly fizzles.
56. It is common money in the form of coins.
57. Conventional police do not carry firearms.
58. On the street you can find in my breed of dog in the world. Some are simply obsessed with dogs.
59. Taxi drivers are very talkative. If you maintain a conversation with them and be polite, you can even get an invitation with a drink in the pub.
60. almost all builders - came from Eastern Europe, one can often hear Russian speech.
61. Sometimes you can find old women and Dedkov 70-80 years who dress in the fashion of 40-50-ies and look very conservative, but they have some charm and dignity.
62. You can also find an old man of 70 years in the military parade of the royal form or in the Navy. To such people in society adopted treated with special respect.
63. People are very touchy. If you accidentally touched someone and do not apologize, you are told that you are badly brought up, and recalled the need to say "sorry" in such cases.
64. In general, the products are very fresh and varied. Also sour cream, black bread, sausages and yogurt doctoral you can find everything.
65. If you're really just missing the homeland, then you will find shops with Russian food and Russian restaurants. Usually they keep people from Russia and the CIS countries.
66. London - City queues. Then turn in Sturbucks, MacDonalds, Apple Store, and even in restaurants. This is normal.
67. Every taxi driver takes a very hard exam on knowledge of the city, where foreigners do not take the job. My street length of 200 meters, but there was not one case that did not know where she is.
68. Typically, the British end their analogue undergraduate and do not go to the magistracy.
69. They also do not have the master's degree, but only doctoral (PHD). If you have it, you are to them just to dizzying heights.
70. on the outlet is almost always there is a button switch, so I never have anything to pull out of the socket.
71. Before entering the subway always handing out free newspapers.
72. In general, it's a great thought to detail and the country to anyone who is thinking to move here, I can wholeheartedly recommend! :-)
via factroom.ru