10 ironic facts about our recent past
For the past should be taken seriously. Especially to the past of the whole country. But you know what threatens excess of seriousness? Rip inflated cheeks and merging menacing frown!
Website provides a focus on those moments of our history, from which the well draws an ironic grin!
1. In 1939, the "Union of Militant Atheists" took the initiative had not considered the birth of Christ, as of the date of the revolution, that is dated 25 October 1917. And, the so called "2nd year of the socialist revolution, the 15th year of SR" and so on.
2. It was proposed to rename and months. If this proposal was accepted, then our year would consist of the following months: Lenin, Marx, Revolution, Sverdlov, May, Soviet Constitution, Harvest, Peace, Communist International, Engels, the Great Revolution, Stalin
< 3. According to legend, in the development of the car "Victory" it was planned that the name of the machine will be "Homeland." Learning of this, Stalin asked ironically: «Well, how much we will have homeland?» . Therefore, the name changed to "Victory».
4. Toilet paper in the Soviet Union was always in short supply. Therefore, wherever people come across all of it - in it is immediately. And they take, as will (in one hand while giving a limited quantity). Then two dozen rolls strung on the attached rope and hung around his neck. And so the lucky buyer could pass through the city - no one wondered, could only busily ask: "Where did you get?»
5. in the young Soviet state to create labor armies of the military who commit crimes. Therefore, they were called "Red Army prisoners", and in the documents is reduced phrase "G / R". Later, during the construction of the White Sea Canal, this reduction was decoded as a "prisoner kanaloarmeets." Here on this "G / R", in fact, was the word "con».
6. in the USSR for a long time went the legend that Khrushchev's famous phrase, "I'll show you gruel!" at the UN General Assembly translated literally - «Kuzma's mother». What is a "gruel"? Probably the newest secret weapon! Subsequently, the expression "gruel" was used to refer to the atomic bombs of the USSR. But in fact, the translator, translating this expression, spoke allegorically: "I will show you that there is».
7. For the manufacture of homemade plates, on which records of illegal music is widely used in the Soviet Union the old X-rays. They were called "records on the bones" or "on the edges of the plate." This material is treated free of charge - medical staff even thanked those who helped in this way to unload the archives.
8. In the Soviet Union, a famous manufacturer of rubber sneakers, slippers was a factory "Polymer" in the Leningrad region Shales. Many buyers believed that embossed on the soles of the word "Slates" - the name of the shoe. So the word went into active vocabulary, and has become a synonym for the word "flip-flops».
9. picture with the caption "Thank you, Comrade Stalin, for our happy childhood!" - A girl with a bouquet of flowers in the hands of the leader - in 1936 surpassed all the newspapers of the country. With her print posters and made sculptures. This girl called Engelsina (after Engels), or gels Marquis.
Father Gels - Minister of Agriculture Buryat-Mongol Autonomous Republic Ardant Angadykovich Marquis - in 1937 he was arrested and declared a Japanese spy and soon shot. Mother exiled to Kazakhstan, where he died under mysterious circumstances. Orphaned girl took to his uncle. Happy childhood ...
10. for the Victory Parade June 24, 1945-year war at the hands carrying a dog. And she lay on the overcoat of Stalin himself. It was one of the trained dogs, which are about the war helped sappers demining. The dog's name was Djulbars.
In the last year of the war demining sites in Europe Djulbars 7468 discovered more than 150 mines and shells. Shortly before Victory Day parade in Moscow on June 24 Djulbars was injured and could not go to school as part of military dogs. Then Stalin ordered the dog to carry on Red Square on his overcoat.
11. Now it is even hard to believe, but a long time in the Soviet Union was a six-day week, one day off - Sunday
via fishki.net/1729181-10-ljubopytnyh-faktov-o-sssr.html
Website provides a focus on those moments of our history, from which the well draws an ironic grin!
1. In 1939, the "Union of Militant Atheists" took the initiative had not considered the birth of Christ, as of the date of the revolution, that is dated 25 October 1917. And, the so called "2nd year of the socialist revolution, the 15th year of SR" and so on.
2. It was proposed to rename and months. If this proposal was accepted, then our year would consist of the following months: Lenin, Marx, Revolution, Sverdlov, May, Soviet Constitution, Harvest, Peace, Communist International, Engels, the Great Revolution, Stalin
< 3. According to legend, in the development of the car "Victory" it was planned that the name of the machine will be "Homeland." Learning of this, Stalin asked ironically: «Well, how much we will have homeland?» . Therefore, the name changed to "Victory».

4. Toilet paper in the Soviet Union was always in short supply. Therefore, wherever people come across all of it - in it is immediately. And they take, as will (in one hand while giving a limited quantity). Then two dozen rolls strung on the attached rope and hung around his neck. And so the lucky buyer could pass through the city - no one wondered, could only busily ask: "Where did you get?»
5. in the young Soviet state to create labor armies of the military who commit crimes. Therefore, they were called "Red Army prisoners", and in the documents is reduced phrase "G / R". Later, during the construction of the White Sea Canal, this reduction was decoded as a "prisoner kanaloarmeets." Here on this "G / R", in fact, was the word "con».
6. in the USSR for a long time went the legend that Khrushchev's famous phrase, "I'll show you gruel!" at the UN General Assembly translated literally - «Kuzma's mother». What is a "gruel"? Probably the newest secret weapon! Subsequently, the expression "gruel" was used to refer to the atomic bombs of the USSR. But in fact, the translator, translating this expression, spoke allegorically: "I will show you that there is».
7. For the manufacture of homemade plates, on which records of illegal music is widely used in the Soviet Union the old X-rays. They were called "records on the bones" or "on the edges of the plate." This material is treated free of charge - medical staff even thanked those who helped in this way to unload the archives.

8. In the Soviet Union, a famous manufacturer of rubber sneakers, slippers was a factory "Polymer" in the Leningrad region Shales. Many buyers believed that embossed on the soles of the word "Slates" - the name of the shoe. So the word went into active vocabulary, and has become a synonym for the word "flip-flops».

9. picture with the caption "Thank you, Comrade Stalin, for our happy childhood!" - A girl with a bouquet of flowers in the hands of the leader - in 1936 surpassed all the newspapers of the country. With her print posters and made sculptures. This girl called Engelsina (after Engels), or gels Marquis.
Father Gels - Minister of Agriculture Buryat-Mongol Autonomous Republic Ardant Angadykovich Marquis - in 1937 he was arrested and declared a Japanese spy and soon shot. Mother exiled to Kazakhstan, where he died under mysterious circumstances. Orphaned girl took to his uncle. Happy childhood ...
10. for the Victory Parade June 24, 1945-year war at the hands carrying a dog. And she lay on the overcoat of Stalin himself. It was one of the trained dogs, which are about the war helped sappers demining. The dog's name was Djulbars.
In the last year of the war demining sites in Europe Djulbars 7468 discovered more than 150 mines and shells. Shortly before Victory Day parade in Moscow on June 24 Djulbars was injured and could not go to school as part of military dogs. Then Stalin ordered the dog to carry on Red Square on his overcoat.
11. Now it is even hard to believe, but a long time in the Soviet Union was a six-day week, one day off - Sunday
via fishki.net/1729181-10-ljubopytnyh-faktov-o-sssr.html
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