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11 benefits of thrift, which have nothing to do with money

The obvious advantage of thrift - the opportunity to save money. But this time it will be not about the money: from economical lifestyle there are several advantages that you do not make out right away.

If you are looking for happiness, to find love, to have a greyhound, sweet sleep at night, to lose weight and re-grow a thick hair on the head - Website publish this article for you.

Of course, we exaggerated a droplet in the introduction. But, believe me, you happen not less than amazing things after you apply lean principles in life. Because of this you will be able to achieve two objectives:

to save up to 70% of their income; to come to the way of life in which there is thirst permanent consumption and dependence on material goods. Frugality - a purposeful life when your expenses are not meaningless, and are aimed at achieving specific goals. We will talk about the benefits of economical lifestyle, not related to money.

Thrift promotes creativity h2> To find an old chest of drawers and turn it into an exclusive piece of furniture. Or make an old chair stylish interior element. If you need new furniture, you can choose the method of its production of boring: go to the furniture store and choose what is more or less like you.

And miss a moment of creativity: the birth of the idea to work with his hands and satisfaction from the fact that you made it yourself. This thing will delight you every time you see her. You get so much more than a few savings thousand rubles.

Thrift reduces the amount of waste h2> We will send more in the trash without thinking. And as a result, more and more we pollute the Earth. If you constantly throw out food, maybe you do not need to buy as much food?

And unnecessary items that you can serve someone else. Try to sell or just give them the ad, friends or donate to the needy. The waste to be discharged only a real waste.

Thrift saves the environment h2> Modest life almost always harmless. You're driving the car less, buy fewer new things for the production of which requires resources, not to throw food, save water and energy. That is wasting resources in times less than people unthrifty.

This is part of our world. We see no reason to spend fewer resources and thus begins the race for luxury. Every day we need something more. But if the temperature of +25 ° C, you have the air conditioner, because it does not see the sense to save on electricity, you are depriving yourself of the great delight of its inclusion in the forty-degree heat.

Tinkering with old things, using them as long as possible, buying clothes and furniture in second-hand and hand, you produce less garbage and wasting fewer resources, since you do not need to create new things. And if you do so not only are you?

Thrift integrates h2> Provident living unites people. You exchange things or borrow from each other that there is no reason to buy, but maybe you together to create something new. So there is companionship, based not only on the desire for entertainment. There is a community where there is support and mutual assistance.

Where to find such communities? Normally in social networks. But there are websites where people give things away or exchange them.

Thrift helps set priorities in life h2> When you decide to buy fewer things you need to understand some of the usual shopping and spending, you can safely give up. And although at first it seems everything valuable, after a while you begin to understand that the refusal of some of the things saves you money and makes life easier and more interesting.

For example, you have a tradition of ordering a pizza over the weekend at home. Very tangible waste. But think about it, you get real pleasure from it? Or is it a habit? Maybe it is better to buy fresh food and cook the same pizza at home? Will certainly cheaper and tastier. And then there was a tradition to cook the whole family something tasty on the weekends.

We do not say that for the sake of frugality is necessary to give up all the pleasures and become an ascetic. Just look deeper into yourself. Perhaps you choose something easily accessible: the money spent, got some pleasure. But is it worth it the money? Develop, invent new entertainment and new joy. Prioritize what you are willing to spend money (for example, a good coffee), and that - no.

Thrift gives you the freedom h2> You now have savings. So you can change jobs if you fed up with the present. Do you have money and experience in economical life to survive as long as you do not take something new. You can go on a trip.

You will be able to stay out of credits if you suddenly appear serious health problems that need to be urgently addressed. You will feel more confident. Do not allow material spending to run your life. Due to thrift, you can live the way you want.

Thrift makes you closer to each other h2> You will be spending more time with his family. Joint cooking dinner, repairs, new projects for the alteration of old things. If you look in one direction, such things bring you closer. You will be together to solve problems, come up with fresh ideas for frugal life together to prioritize and have fun.

Yes, it's fun - to do something themselves. For you to come the realization that together you can handle anything that you - the team. Disagreements can always be resolved in a conversation, but the belief that you - a reliable tandem, ready to face any difficulties, gives peace of mind.

Thrift will bring peace of mind and ease your life h2> We are different. Someone needs the race for the common success. Every day - a new battle for victory: career, the machine is even more expensive, higher status, overspend more. Someone can not live without this tension. And for some it is a constant stress.

If you feel that you are tired of this crazy life, if you do not want to prove anything, if you do not care about the social indicators of success, then you will save the thrift.

You can stop career race and get a peace of mind or to open their own small businesses, which will receive a real pleasure. Dress the way you want, drive on, on what you want, put your goals that will mean success for you exclusively. You choose how to become a happy man.

Thrift relieves your brain h2> We get tired when not only take vital decisions, but when we choose between white and black bread. Every tiny decision takes energy, which you can spend a much greater benefit.

Ironically, the choice does not make us happier, it is annoying us. We feel nervous when we choose, we are experiencing is properly chosen. Is not it better to do it less and the brain to release the coolest ideas?

Thrift make you a sports h2> If you walk and ride a bike instead of a car, do a lot of housework, independently collect and move furniture, have fun walking in the park, you will soon notice that become more toned , and you feel better. Not need a gym membership to fashion and time to reach it.

Frugality will not let you get bored h2> This is guaranteed - you just will not have time for this. You will always busy generating new ideas and their implementation, preparation of new dishes, exploring new saving opportunities . You will be passionate about the process of creativity and new sensations. And believe me, you will have fun.

And one day he woke up in the morning, you will realize that in another life is not like that you're happy, and every day brings you a fresh experience and excitement.

Frugality - this is not a tactic, it's thinking and way of life. Frugality - that saving money and financial freedom, and the life that you like to live. You will discover a simple, honest, funny world. Mastering new skills, enjoying what you already have, you will achieve your personal goals, not dictated by marketers who insist that you have to buy something, to become happier. You will gain your own happiness and your own face, instead of being imposed by society.

via lifehacker.ru/2015/11/07/11-preimushhestv-berezhlivosti-kotory-e-ne-imeyut-nichego-obshhego-s-den-gami/