25+ pictures of how we dress in the Dashing 90th
All, whose life and mature youth fell on the 90th, remember what it was heavy and spirited time for our country and for its people. While in Russia, everything has been turned upside down, the Iron Curtain collapsed and people were given the unknown freedom and permissiveness, which they themselves did not know what to do. The country poured all sorts of imported products, and then it came, mad, like the time, fashion 90.
Tracksuit as clothes for the gym - it's stupid and not original. Ceremonial-off "ABIBAS" or "ADIADS" (and do not cling to the spelling on Leybe Thus it is written - it means, how it should be!) Is put out on a date, in a cafe, a concert and diskar. "Crews", that is, the upper part of the costume on again combined with a white blouse with kruzhavchikami and shoes on high heels with a massive ornaments with school uniforms - and what will prompt a fantasy. < leather jackets
Fashion history says that the first leather jacket with a zip-sikos nakos was sewn in decaying America in 1928. And we have this thing - waisted, rattling lightning, with a belt, and lots of pockets and holders - was the squeak just in the nineties. For full Otpad be uveshat black leather jackets with metal and / or decorate with fringe.
High boots
Leather above the knee? Come to the countryside. But most of that period the right boots - suede and should begin about the ears. Unfortunately, to achieve such perfection it was technically difficult - and so they started from the place where the legs forks. No! They are not shoes, they crawled, cut, soaked. That just will not do in order to look sexy.
"zhatye" jackets and raincoats
Very comfortable clothes - it not only iron is not necessary, but even the exact opposite: the washing and storage of twist and knead stronger. The more chewed look, the better! Color range? Of course, the neon-acid - and that it makes sense to wear something else ?!
Big colored gum and shoelaces
The best decoration girl's hairstyle (except, of course bang ", I fell off the truck" and half a liter of lacquer "beauty") - a hefty furry gum vigorous colors. And even better - to gum shimmered in all possible colors. Alternatively, a thick cord to tie the tail - of course, piercingly bright green or pink desperately.
Briefs "week has"
As the name implies, this modnyachy set of clothes consisted of seven truseley, and adorned every weekday name. Bright red, to achieve strict compliance with the calendar and underclothes in practical life was unrealistic. But do not be "weeks" at all - it was somehow stupid.
Look mysterious and severely as Ivan Demidov in the "Muzoboz" tried by a rectangular glasses with glass to black. For some time the most fashionable accessory was a narrow dark stripes. Part of the population wore fashionable round glasses in thin metal frame or without it. Type as Yegor Letov or cat Basilio.
plaid shirt
Baggy-wide up to the formlessness of his shirt in the box (mostly red and black) and worn ladies and gentlemen. One option was thinner - and for greater beauty coquetry could not lower buttoning buttons, tie a knot at the tum. The second option was a more tightly - and freeze in such a hole in her armor and was extremely problematic.
This ornament must meet two principles: "remote see!" And "Yes, I was the smartest, and Cho." Therefore, round plastic badges hang the entire outer surface of the jacket and backpack. From there on passersby watching Bruce Lee and Choi, calls "Do not teach me how to live" and "Preserve nature, your mother!". If cabbage "cooperative" icons are missing, it does not matter! Glad utykivaemsya remnants of children's collections with all sorts of Cheburashka, "Drummer of communist labor" and "society, the struggle for sobriety".
Two main types: small leather (that is, from the skin of a young leatherette) from the market - and sewn from old jeans yourself. Decorates icons (See above.), Pins and colorful laces and artistically painted ballpoint pens.
"Firmovye" shoes
They must be high. Or white. Ideally, white and strong. The desired type of large inscription "REEBOKC" (told you not dropped to the form, sees the root, brooms firm does not breed) in a conspicuous place. Or "KORANDO". Shoelaces this magnificence rely raspberry salad or acid.
Long white t-shirt, they are also short dresses, worn with colored tights. On the belly shows Mickey Mouse or some other bourgeois superhero. If you suspect that something that you're proud to put video room campaign, conceived as a nightie (a high probability), do not worry. There's people like you, half will be. If the court of the 1997 th and "Titanic" is already out, the shirtless with DiCaprio road you except on the bottom of fashionable life.
The miracle of the chemical industry, plastic slippers killer, with an openwork design and inhuman factor slipperiness. Senseless and merciless, but the beauty demands victims. Perhaps these monsters polymer intended purely for the pool. But the noble virgins lived in the shoes full of life - cultural, spiritual and secular, and so on.
denim jacket, a skirt, "Lambada"
Thick jacket to complete wooden bullets bounce off, and you are moving it with the grace of biorobot. Buttons ever easier to forget than once buttoned - but this is not required. Suitable this jacket as a boy and a girl of any age. The girl has a right to put her anything, preferred skirt "Lambada" with elastic and drawstring top, a bottom and embroidery kruzhavchikami.
The design here was strictly regulated, as the dress code at the royal reception. Color - black or blue (kraynyak - camouflage), a star on his forehead lit the inscription "USA California", above the inscription proudly outstretched wings of an eagle. Oh, sorry, not on the forehead and at the back: this krutoten should wear a visor exclusively ago.
platform shoes
"On the platform of the Communist Party" as a joke some wise guy. In such footwear, which rises directly to the owner of half a meter above the surrounding reality, we were not afraid of no off-road capability of our vast country. Permeability - like the middle of the jeep! The main thing was not screwed, having caught dizzy with success: to fly with shuzov been a long time.
The tube of purple or pink angora, which pushes the maiden's head ... And try to catch the eye is now his girlfriend amid a sea of precise goals. In the room to heighten the glamor should pull headgear to the head and left to hang around the neck. Despite the fact that the down relentlessly climb where he could. So what? About the beauty and the victim had been Well you said.
She Handy. This same patsansky accessory. Joking about pressed Semyon? Well, joking, kidding. Firstly, are you out of envy, and you have a pager, I suppose, no. And secondly, you do not know on whom there loaf crumble - but when you meet Tolya and six hundred and second and borsetku, see how you sing a different tune.
Some 99% of high school students of both sexes were dissected it with these heavy fools, kozhzamovymi and plastic. For solidity - with code snaps, beauty - with stickers. It comes in handy when needed to slide down the hills on the way to object or worthy opponent on the bonce.
Plastic Bag
With apples, flowers, stripes or advertising of any "Menatep" - that you have all pull. Guide to college - cleverly wrap in a notebook and a pen (and most of you do not need it). Stain the precious pack in a crowded trolley - wash, dry and re-wear proudly. And if the package is cut blade envious - carefully seal the sufferer, and continue to bear.
Watch "Montana"
All this luxury accessory passed anecdote in which the trendy people on all repeats: "Nishtyak!" To the question: "Are you any more words you know?" - Nods, "Yeah, I know. Montana! ", And to clarify:" What is it? "- Replied:" Oh, nishtyak! "Voter resist, backlight, date, stopwatch, 13 tunes," Electronics "resting!
The skirt elastic
No, Grandma, it's not a wide belt. It is an independent item of clothing, of which feet begin immediately. Well, here it is not necessary to begin: "Cowards visible, visible underwear!" .. Can not see anything, if not go very fast and lean. Poddernut skirt can be lowered in case of need. Or vice versa. Cases of something different happen.
Jeans "Varenkov"
It began craze - show off Fade - we still in the eighties, and "they" even earlier. Here are just a "they" did not have such wit and bleach under the name "White"! This vigorous chemical is poured into a pan-digesting, there also lowered his pants - and sausages there to complete modnyavosti acquiring scenic chlorine divorce.
Sweater "Boys"
What a bright mind invented the dirty-green stripes, some clever handle this proud embroidered inscription? What a great task for the historians of the future. For any of this great and mighty lord of the world shines sviternogo us with dozens of copies of each photo group of any company. Flower - Rose, poet - Pushkin, Sweater - Boys! While wearing it and gerls with the same success.
Just black should be at each (that generally each) self-respecting young lady. Do chicks not easy, but they need to be fashionable colors vyrviglaz! Wear them to rely futbolochnymi dresses (See above.), Skirts, denim skirts and rubber bands (See above.), Soap or sneakers (See above.) ... Well, you get the principle. Packed so feet shine brighter stars and pierce through the heart.
Jeans "Malvina"

Tracksuit as clothes for the gym - it's stupid and not original. Ceremonial-off "ABIBAS" or "ADIADS" (and do not cling to the spelling on Leybe Thus it is written - it means, how it should be!) Is put out on a date, in a cafe, a concert and diskar. "Crews", that is, the upper part of the costume on again combined with a white blouse with kruzhavchikami and shoes on high heels with a massive ornaments with school uniforms - and what will prompt a fantasy. < leather jackets

Fashion history says that the first leather jacket with a zip-sikos nakos was sewn in decaying America in 1928. And we have this thing - waisted, rattling lightning, with a belt, and lots of pockets and holders - was the squeak just in the nineties. For full Otpad be uveshat black leather jackets with metal and / or decorate with fringe.
High boots

Leather above the knee? Come to the countryside. But most of that period the right boots - suede and should begin about the ears. Unfortunately, to achieve such perfection it was technically difficult - and so they started from the place where the legs forks. No! They are not shoes, they crawled, cut, soaked. That just will not do in order to look sexy.
"zhatye" jackets and raincoats

Very comfortable clothes - it not only iron is not necessary, but even the exact opposite: the washing and storage of twist and knead stronger. The more chewed look, the better! Color range? Of course, the neon-acid - and that it makes sense to wear something else ?!
Big colored gum and shoelaces

The best decoration girl's hairstyle (except, of course bang ", I fell off the truck" and half a liter of lacquer "beauty") - a hefty furry gum vigorous colors. And even better - to gum shimmered in all possible colors. Alternatively, a thick cord to tie the tail - of course, piercingly bright green or pink desperately.
Briefs "week has"

As the name implies, this modnyachy set of clothes consisted of seven truseley, and adorned every weekday name. Bright red, to achieve strict compliance with the calendar and underclothes in practical life was unrealistic. But do not be "weeks" at all - it was somehow stupid.

Look mysterious and severely as Ivan Demidov in the "Muzoboz" tried by a rectangular glasses with glass to black. For some time the most fashionable accessory was a narrow dark stripes. Part of the population wore fashionable round glasses in thin metal frame or without it. Type as Yegor Letov or cat Basilio.
plaid shirt

Baggy-wide up to the formlessness of his shirt in the box (mostly red and black) and worn ladies and gentlemen. One option was thinner - and for greater beauty coquetry could not lower buttoning buttons, tie a knot at the tum. The second option was a more tightly - and freeze in such a hole in her armor and was extremely problematic.

This ornament must meet two principles: "remote see!" And "Yes, I was the smartest, and Cho." Therefore, round plastic badges hang the entire outer surface of the jacket and backpack. From there on passersby watching Bruce Lee and Choi, calls "Do not teach me how to live" and "Preserve nature, your mother!". If cabbage "cooperative" icons are missing, it does not matter! Glad utykivaemsya remnants of children's collections with all sorts of Cheburashka, "Drummer of communist labor" and "society, the struggle for sobriety".

Two main types: small leather (that is, from the skin of a young leatherette) from the market - and sewn from old jeans yourself. Decorates icons (See above.), Pins and colorful laces and artistically painted ballpoint pens.
"Firmovye" shoes

They must be high. Or white. Ideally, white and strong. The desired type of large inscription "REEBOKC" (told you not dropped to the form, sees the root, brooms firm does not breed) in a conspicuous place. Or "KORANDO". Shoelaces this magnificence rely raspberry salad or acid.

Long white t-shirt, they are also short dresses, worn with colored tights. On the belly shows Mickey Mouse or some other bourgeois superhero. If you suspect that something that you're proud to put video room campaign, conceived as a nightie (a high probability), do not worry. There's people like you, half will be. If the court of the 1997 th and "Titanic" is already out, the shirtless with DiCaprio road you except on the bottom of fashionable life.

The miracle of the chemical industry, plastic slippers killer, with an openwork design and inhuman factor slipperiness. Senseless and merciless, but the beauty demands victims. Perhaps these monsters polymer intended purely for the pool. But the noble virgins lived in the shoes full of life - cultural, spiritual and secular, and so on.
denim jacket, a skirt, "Lambada"

Thick jacket to complete wooden bullets bounce off, and you are moving it with the grace of biorobot. Buttons ever easier to forget than once buttoned - but this is not required. Suitable this jacket as a boy and a girl of any age. The girl has a right to put her anything, preferred skirt "Lambada" with elastic and drawstring top, a bottom and embroidery kruzhavchikami.

The design here was strictly regulated, as the dress code at the royal reception. Color - black or blue (kraynyak - camouflage), a star on his forehead lit the inscription "USA California", above the inscription proudly outstretched wings of an eagle. Oh, sorry, not on the forehead and at the back: this krutoten should wear a visor exclusively ago.
platform shoes

"On the platform of the Communist Party" as a joke some wise guy. In such footwear, which rises directly to the owner of half a meter above the surrounding reality, we were not afraid of no off-road capability of our vast country. Permeability - like the middle of the jeep! The main thing was not screwed, having caught dizzy with success: to fly with shuzov been a long time.

The tube of purple or pink angora, which pushes the maiden's head ... And try to catch the eye is now his girlfriend amid a sea of precise goals. In the room to heighten the glamor should pull headgear to the head and left to hang around the neck. Despite the fact that the down relentlessly climb where he could. So what? About the beauty and the victim had been Well you said.

She Handy. This same patsansky accessory. Joking about pressed Semyon? Well, joking, kidding. Firstly, are you out of envy, and you have a pager, I suppose, no. And secondly, you do not know on whom there loaf crumble - but when you meet Tolya and six hundred and second and borsetku, see how you sing a different tune.

Some 99% of high school students of both sexes were dissected it with these heavy fools, kozhzamovymi and plastic. For solidity - with code snaps, beauty - with stickers. It comes in handy when needed to slide down the hills on the way to object or worthy opponent on the bonce.
Plastic Bag

With apples, flowers, stripes or advertising of any "Menatep" - that you have all pull. Guide to college - cleverly wrap in a notebook and a pen (and most of you do not need it). Stain the precious pack in a crowded trolley - wash, dry and re-wear proudly. And if the package is cut blade envious - carefully seal the sufferer, and continue to bear.
Watch "Montana"

All this luxury accessory passed anecdote in which the trendy people on all repeats: "Nishtyak!" To the question: "Are you any more words you know?" - Nods, "Yeah, I know. Montana! ", And to clarify:" What is it? "- Replied:" Oh, nishtyak! "Voter resist, backlight, date, stopwatch, 13 tunes," Electronics "resting!
The skirt elastic

No, Grandma, it's not a wide belt. It is an independent item of clothing, of which feet begin immediately. Well, here it is not necessary to begin: "Cowards visible, visible underwear!" .. Can not see anything, if not go very fast and lean. Poddernut skirt can be lowered in case of need. Or vice versa. Cases of something different happen.
Jeans "Varenkov"

It began craze - show off Fade - we still in the eighties, and "they" even earlier. Here are just a "they" did not have such wit and bleach under the name "White"! This vigorous chemical is poured into a pan-digesting, there also lowered his pants - and sausages there to complete modnyavosti acquiring scenic chlorine divorce.
Sweater "Boys"

What a bright mind invented the dirty-green stripes, some clever handle this proud embroidered inscription? What a great task for the historians of the future. For any of this great and mighty lord of the world shines sviternogo us with dozens of copies of each photo group of any company. Flower - Rose, poet - Pushkin, Sweater - Boys! While wearing it and gerls with the same success.

Just black should be at each (that generally each) self-respecting young lady. Do chicks not easy, but they need to be fashionable colors vyrviglaz! Wear them to rely futbolochnymi dresses (See above.), Skirts, denim skirts and rubber bands (See above.), Soap or sneakers (See above.) ... Well, you get the principle. Packed so feet shine brighter stars and pierce through the heart.
Jeans "Malvina"

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