Hair Restoration Program:

1. We buy in a drugstore vitamins for hair loss, worth a penny!
Thiamine Chloride (Vitamin B1).
Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6)
Cyanocobalamin (Vitamin B! 2)
Mix together can not be incompatible. 1 vial of vitamin poured into the palm with shampoo before washing.
Vitamins: A solution of retinol acetate, in oil (Vitamin A in oil) and Alpha-tocopheryl acetate (Vitamin E oil) can be mixed and added 10 drops shampoo mask balm.

2. Also in the pharmacy sold settings peppers
Pure tincture to rub in the head is not recommended. Add it to the mask, hair conditioner or make-pepper oil mask.
When sensitive skin clean pepper tincture can cause severe burning, or allergies. There is also a risk of skin and hair retain moisture, which can cause dandruff. Therefore, pepper tincture mix with oily foundation - butter or yogurt or balm for hair.
Pour into a small bottle with a spout burdock (sometimes I add another: grapeseed, almond), dipped in very hot water when heated up - about the same or less add pepper vodka and a few drops of essential oils. (about them later). Nanoshu from the spout of parting, the length of the wetting (some of the base) and under the oil cap, towel and 2-3 hours (in principle, it is possible and more) go, then wash off with shampoo as usual.
Do twice a week! The result - a magical !!!