10 actors worthy "Oscar", which have never been
They have everything: brilliant talent and love of millions of fans, charisma, good looks and great role. One is able to bring their name to the cinema crowds. So strange to hear that with all this American Film Academy has never appreciated them and would not let "Oscar».
In this collection Website 10 of the most popular actors, who, in spite of the brilliant role and enormous popularity, never in my life did not hold in the hands of the coveted golden uncle with a sword.
Brad Pitt h2> In the luggage of the charming vampire of all time Brad Pitt hundreds of movies and audio statuette "Oscar". The actor was nominated three times for the first time this happened in 1996 for her role in the movie "12 Monkeys." But then the statuette went to Kevin Spacey for the film "The Usual Suspects».
Johnny Depp h2> By age 50, the great actor had to withdraw in a variety of popular movies, collecting huge box office and get the unconditional love of the audience. Depp was nominated three times for "Oscar", but never received a statuette. His first nomination was in 2004 for the film "Pirates of the Caribbean", but then the prize went to Sean Penn for "Mystic River».
Ralph Fiennes h2> The most romantic screen villain Ralph Fiennes is very steep, but also did not wait until an honorary award from the Academy. Although the films in which he starred, one better than the other and collect a lot of awards. Here, for example, the "Schindler's List" 7 "Oscars", the "English Patient" - 9, while Fiennes - no.
Jim Carrey h2> Jim Carrey, without exaggeration, the most famous comedian in the world, a talented actor and master of reincarnation. And it is not something that "Oscars", but even nominated for the "Oscar" is not. And after all in his arsenal is not only silly comedies like "Dumb and Dumber" (though quite funny), but simply brilliant "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind," "The Truman Show," "Always say" Yes. " And "Mask" - as you can forget about it!
Keanu Reeves h2> Home cinema event of the late 90's - early 2000 - "The Matrix" collected by WHO and the small cart prizes. Without Keanu Reeves it is difficult to imagine, but "Oscar", he nevertheless has not earned. It's funny, but for this role, he was given the award for best fight and best kiss of MTV.
Tom Cruise h2> Cruise was nominated for "Oscar" three times: for roles in "Born on July 4," "Jerry Maguire" and "Magnolia", but did not get a coveted statuette. On account of his four blockbuster "Mission Impossible", "Eyes Wide Shut" by Stanley Kubrick, "Interview with the Vampire" and other excellent films. Academics do not order!
Gary Oldman h2> real shame - Gary Oldman, which critics called the best British actor of our time, was nominated for "Oscar" only once - for her role in the thriller "Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy." But this is the real master of reincarnation, which he demonstrated in "Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead," "Dracula", "Leon", "Fifth Element" and other films that forever in the history of cinema.
Bill Murray h2> Sad comedian Bill Murray has ascended to the top of Mount Olympus thanks to Hollywood comedy "Ghostbusters." And the "Groundhog Day" and has become a cult at all. But first and only nomination for "Oscar" Murray was awarded much later - in 2003 for the film "Lost in Translation." "Oscar" is not given, but it is true, the prize "Golden Globe", he still cut off for them.
Edward Norton h2> Wonderful Edward Norton, who will forever remain in our hearts as the nameless narrator of "Fight Club," was nominated for "Oscar" a couple of times - for "Primal Fear" and a brilliant game in "American History X" . Among the works of Norton - "The Illusionist," "Berdmen" and other great movies.
Leonardo DiCaprio h2> talented and multifaceted Leonardo DiCaprio is also nominated, nominated, but not vynominirovali. It is not enough of one "Oscar", but in vain. Last year, when poor Leo walked again, we laughed over it all and sundry.
In this collection Website 10 of the most popular actors, who, in spite of the brilliant role and enormous popularity, never in my life did not hold in the hands of the coveted golden uncle with a sword.